O’rEILLy LIKe JESus BEIng PERseCUted by THOSe that DON’t SHAre JUDEo-CHristiaN VALues. And WE aLL KNow wHAT HAPpened TO Rome, WHicH wasn’t FOUnded ON JUDEO-chrisTIAN valUEs. ATTACK on O’rEILLY’s MOVIE is TRANSPARENT LIbtard War ON CHRIstianITY and JESUS O"reILLEY111!1!one!!1!!!
I am so sad for Billo, just so sad!
“O’Reilly declared himself proud of the film, which was based on his book of the same name, saying it the most-watched program ever on National Geographic.”
He recently told CBS’ “60 Minutes” that the Holy Spirit came to him in the middle of the night and “directed” him to write “Killing Jesus,” making use of his gifts given to him by God.
The Holy Spirit came to Billo The Clown in the middle of the night? Told him to write Killing Jesus? O.M.G.
Holy Roman Church?
O’Reilly is right; that’s why no one in this country is brave enough to declare themselves a Christian anymore.
Oh, the tyranny!
Apparently, to fill the void left by the loss of Stephen Colbert, O’Reilly has begun to actually parody himself.
Oh, and if the Pentagon wants to win the war against ISIS, ship Billo to the Middle East; his gargantuan ego would smother every member of the organization, and probably the rest of the population from Lebanon to Iran, too. Of course, just forcing them to watch Billo’s FoxNews show or read one of his “historical” tomes would accomplish the same thing.
Billo’s next “best seller”: “The War On Charisma”.
Because you make a cameo appearance of the thief Dismas hanging on a cross to Je$u$’ right may have some impact , Billo.
“The Killing of Kindness” in the US.
Billo teaches college
he is and always will be lying piece of SHIT.
“Reporting to you direct from my place on the Cross next to…”
That scene where Herod’s henchman went ISIS on John The Baptist’s neck was pretty well done tho.
Did they pan your Patton book because of Jeebus hatred too, Bill? Or did they pan it because you suck at this?
Hey Billo,
your movie got crappy reviews for one reason only - it’s a crappy movie. As far as the Holy Spirit coming to you - how did you identify it as the Holy Spirit and not Satan since your entire career has been devoted to evil, anti Christian beliefs and dogma.
Kirk Cameron said the same thing when his crappy movie got bad reviews.
Oh Jesus Christ, Bill.
This smug prick is so full of shit. The only vision he had that got him to write this book was the vision of how much money he could dupe from the rubes. Say what you want about the religious right, they are a consistent supply of cash for the hucksters like O’Reilly, Huckabee and the like.
Wrong!!! Billo and Jesus H. Christ do have something in common… FALAFELS!!
National Geographic! This the first I’ve seen of National Geographic being used by News Corp to push its agenda. Not too surprising, but still it is sad to see what has become of National Geographic.