And they don’t like the black , black , black blackity , black black guy in the Whitehouse
He knows the main point of the laws.
That’s why he made such a stupid statement.
Clarification: “Every African American I know of has to have ID to be allowed into the building.”
Every African American Bill O’Reilly knows probably lives in a gated community, too. From this, Bill likely concludes that all African Americans live in gated communities.
HAHAHAHA…and ‘some of my best friends are black’ works too, Bill.
Every surfer that I know lives in CA. Therefore all surfers live in CA.
Every golfer I know can’t break 80. Therefore all golfers can’t break 80.
All of my kids’ friends have their own computer. Therefore all kids have computers.
Can’t argue with logic like that
I’ll bet none of the African Americans he knows have been killed by the police either.
Discussing his recent dinner with Rev. Al Sharpton at the Harlem
restaurant Sylvia’s, Bill O’Reilly reported that he “couldn’t get over
the fact that there was no difference between Sylvia’s restaurant and
any other restaurant in New York City. I mean, it was exactly the same,
even though it’s run by blacks, primarily black patronship.” O’Reilly
added: "There wasn’t one person in Sylvia’s who was screaming, 'M-Fer, I
want more iced tea.’ "
Don’t forget he had dinner with Rev. Al at Sylvia’s in Harlem. I was going to say a total of 10, just to generous.
You beat m e to it!
Well it’s right there in the name: its a house for white people.
do you suppose he checked the Rev’s ID to make sure it was actually him and not Don King?
‘the mofos all look the same ya know’ Billo
Geez. Here’s a real life tale of an elderly GOP voter who no longer has valid ID. My 93 year old mother. She lives in a small town, pays her bills by credit card or direct pay, gets her prescriptions by mail and doesn’t need ID for any activity of daily living. She had a passport and a drivers license, now expired. She’s voted every primary and election for over 70 years. Now she should lose her right to vote, barring taking extraordinary measures which would be burdensome as she no longer drives and the nearest DMV facility is 35 miles away? Why treat her like a criminal?
Unless he asks every African American he knows to show him their ID – which would be really creepy – how would he know?
“I’m saying to myself, every African American I know has an ID,” he then said. “And not only that, the states that want that will send you an ID, they’ll come to your house with the ID and ice cream. They’ll give you ice cream with the ID.”
100% False.
The truth or falsehood is unimportant. As Stephen Colbert pointed out so long ago, for Papa Bear the only currency is truthiness, and the truthiness of his statements tastes so sharp you could cut it with a knife.
I wish I got ice cream with my ID. Those blacks get all the government benefits! /s