Discussion: Oregon Police Chief Orders Review Of Use Of Force At Saturday Protest

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She should investigate whether force was necessary at all and why they focused on one side.


I hear that more than a few of the rightiescum from Washington parked their cars in a store lot over in Vancouver then took their buses to Portland. While they were gone, the store had all their cars towed to a very expensive lot. How many of those white trash with bad teeth have $500 to get their car out of hock? heh heh.


The stories I read were that no cars were towed, but they had to wait for the short buses to transport them from Vancouver WA to Portland.


Here is a counter protester laying on the ground in a neck brace after being hit in the head with a flash-bang grenade. Luckily, he was wearing a helmet. He would be dead otherwise.


If that photo accompanying the article is representative, those police officers are not dressed to keep the peace, they are dressed to bust some heads. That is just plain wrong. They look like jack booted thugs, which of course made the Reich Wingers at the rally feel right at home.


Their parents will be very upset.

“She directed the professional standards division to begin determining if
force was used and if it was within policy and training guidelines.”

In other news, foxes find fox not at fault for dead and missing chickens after internal investigation.

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Police sympathies were with the Trumpist Nazis. Seems fairly obvious (see below). Those sympathies obviously influence police action in these situations.

Out of that population of working officers who plan to vote in the November election, 84% say they support Donald Trump. Hillary was supported by 8%, Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson received 5%, and “other” received 3%.

See http://www.policemag.com/channel/patrol/articles/2016/09/the-2016-police-presidential-poll.aspx


Bingo! 'Nuff said. The cops are part of the problem and not our friends.


Many police are GOPers.

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Contrast these storm troopers with the Boston cops a year ago:

Then Boston Police Commissioner, Bill Evans, was fond of saying: “If you come dressed for a fight, you’re likely going to get a fight.” There were 30,000 plus counter-protesters kept a reasonable distance away from the speechifiers, and fewer than 50 arrests and no heads busted.


A free society does not need, or tolerate, police who carry fucking grenade launchers! Just NO!


Police Chief Outlaw. Like it.


Geez, they look like extras in a Tranformers movie. I hope it was a really hot, humid day.

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Portland City Council needs to meet and vote on a modification to the law allowing permits for demonstrations by groups who have shown a proclivity for violence. They need to do this ASAP. They cannot trust their police to keep the peace, so civilian government needs to do it for their citizens.


That’s the Portland Police Bureau, all right. True to form.

But from The Daily Beast story on this it seems that ‘all’ the police violence was directed at the Antifa or non-white supremacists. Same thing happened in Charlottesville from what I understand.


Well, other than not being white, those “uniforms” sure have the stink of Stormtroopers on them, don’t they?

And still, in England…the vast majority of cops don’t even carry guns. Less killing.

Perhaps the uniforms are inciting violence?