Discussion: Oregon Judge Won't Let Bundy Out Of Custody Until Standoff Ends

I think these complaints are in line with the “why don’t they go in there with guns blazing” complaints about how long the standoff took. The feds want to make their cases airtight, and they don’t really have to hurry.

If you look at the criminal complaint on which the loons were arrested, it’s basically all stuff that could be proven within the first day of the refuge invasion. It was enough to get them into custody. I’m assuming that additional complaints will be following based both on actions during the illegal occupation of the refuge and during their arrest. Bonus points for arresting them on new charges as soon as bail is agreed and paid on the first set.


one hopes that is the case, i just hope they don’t let them go home and then we have another “standoff” when they come arrest them latter.


Nah. That’s just chicken-shit. You don’t have to be a jerk when you hold all the cards.

I expect bail is going to be set pretty high, because these bozos and bozetta all live a long way from Portland and they’ll have to come back for their trials. And yeah, I still believe that both sides want a trial.

Shorter Bundy: But your Honor, this time I promise to respect your version of the law. Honest.

Judge: Lucy, is that you?

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Send them all to Gitmo, and return the place to Cuba.


I’m no legal expert, but would guess that once authorities can access the grounds and buildings that are currently occupied, they will find more things to charge them with. Also I would guess you’ll also see lawsuits from the Paiute tribes regarding their artifacts. These guys will have legal troubles the rest of their lives.


The solution is to have Bundy Pere and his gang, go to Oregon and shut it out with the reminding occupiers

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They are terrorist, we should be talking about large amount of years in jail, not going home.
They need to have long jail sentences plus big fines for the huge amount of money they wasted.

Because we are after a de-escalation, not a Waco or Ruby Ridge. Not sure why this concept is so difficult to understand. Not sure we could find any shorter words to explain it.

the de-escalation part is for getting them out of the area they are camped in, not for letting them off the hook for crimes.


Why release him anyway. He is guilty of armed rebellion and sedition.

Hell, let’s go full Western…let’s just find a good tree.

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And these assholes were around for a month or so at app. $100,000 per day in costs.
A lot of money is now spent and I hope that these arses will be getting the full bill.
And not one of them should get off scot free.All f them there are guilty of crimes.


They should be charged for he murder of tarpboy the bug fucker under the Felony Murder Rule.

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Seems to me they’d all be liable as parties, co-conspirators, or whatever tool the federals use for that. But I have assiduously avoided federal courts except for a civil appeal that was settled, praise whatever.

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Good points. There is also the fact that ammonoboy the goat fucker has been taught from birth to not pay what he owes. Since any bail would most likely have to be secured with property and ammonoboy the goat fucker and his family don’t hand over property, historically…


Ooh. Start with the cows. And the back grazing fees. In cash.

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They would, but all the jails have been outsourced to private companies. Because

  1. Buy politicians
  2. Build jails
  3. Lock up black people
    4 PROFIT!!!