Discussion for article #244623
and make them make the check payable to the United States of America Treasury % of the Internal Revenue Service.
Is it a real judge this time?
Given that Bundy and his family have owed the federal government money for a while, the chances of the county getting a dime without a costly battle are between slim and none.
Paying restitution is common as part of a sentence — But they need to be charged with crimes and found guilty first ---- Get to it ! ! –
But not one of these people occupying that refuge has a paying job !! They are actually asking for handouts of snacks and hamburgers and hot dogs on the internet.
They are all moochers. Getting them to pay $75 a day would be just as likely.
I bet they all wind up in prison in a few months, and in prison they won’t have access to a cell phone or the internet.
“The Fish and Wildlife Service said the action could trigger additional legal action.”
Yes, the militia has been sternly lectured that when Dad gets home from work he's going to deal with them. And this is all going on their permanent record. It's going to get brutal.
Or their preference of “creamer” —
Oh thank god. We’re at the “suggestion” stage of things.
Next will come one of Harry Reid’s strongly worded letters. Then the wrath of cotton balls will descend on these guys.
““The Fish and Wildlife Service said the action could trigger additional legal action””"
I’m pretty sure if anyone else tore up Government property the world “could” would not be chosen.
At least some of them have land. If they can’t pay the fines, it becomes the property of the American people.
You can’t! It’ll make all the other nuts angry!
Have I got the philosophy of the appeasers down correctly?
Why can’t the government put a lien on the Bundy ranch in lieu of fees and fines owed? Why can’t they legally force the sale?
True, I hear all the acreage the Feds seized from Daddy Cliven to satisfy his illegal grazing scheme costs are being put to very good use by the government. Oh, wait…
Your huddled Caballeros yearning to eat free…
Retroactively or starting today?
Why? So they can refuse to pay it just like Papa Bundy and then the toothless, cowardly gov’t can refuse to do anything about the unpaid fines, just like with Papa Bundy, who still roams free despite owing millions to the people of this nation?
Waste of fucking time.
“It’s not clear whether Grasty has the legal authority to formally bill the militia”
What’s unclear about it? Are there petitioners and a case before him that put the issue in the hands of the Court? Do they have standing and does the Court have jurisdiction over the subject matter? None of this is the case. Someone has to bring a suit seeking a mandatory injunction ordering them off the property and THEN the judge can order fines for their contempt in refusing to obey the order. It’s a pretty simple one too: injunctions to prevent and end trespass are perfunctory.
Frankly, the suit that should be brought is a mandamus action seeking an order that the federal government shall perform its duties by arresting them immediately. While it’s probably a loser, I’d like to see the public attention it would get and the bad press it would generate for the idiots who decided that instead of putting a stop to this, they’d encourage and facilitate it (and an inevitable deluge copycat standoffs) by cowering in the face of their attempts to intimidate not only our government, not just the citizens of this town, but every person in this country who believes the gov’t is supposed to stand up to and stand between us and this kind of armed and lawless domestic terrorism.
Dear Judge - please include the federal and local costs of the occupation too. And the costs to families who had to find child care since schools were closed. Don’t let them off too easy.
No, you don’t tell them you are charging them with crimes. That’s why the Feds are quiet, they are compiling all the evidence and charges. You wait to defuse the situation. Best time is when they go home. There is no need to tell them they will be arrested and prosecuted, that will just make them want to say longer. The best thing from the Feds right now is to let these assholes keep making fools of themselves. Even FOX is calling them a-holes now.
But, I like this “fine” thing. Getting hit in the wallet makes people think a little. Plus, charges are a one time deal. Fines increase every day. Great idea, but I think the Feds would need to be the ones who do it. Interesting legal question.