Discussion: Oops! Trump Sends Celebratory Tweet Showing Him Polling Behind Clinton

Trump knows how to take control, huh? He’s got the world by the Tweets.


“This guy is going to get his ass beat like a gong.”

                               -John Miller

Hillary has to be somewhere laughing her ass off.


Not to mention One America is little watched cable channel for those who think Fox News is too pinko.


Actually, I think the colors of the bar graph threw him off.

Democrats are usually displayed as blue, and everyone knows that he is orange…


He started off the week by saying that the Orlando shooter, born in the same borough of NY as Trump himself, was “Afghan-born.” This “mistake” of showing an old poll where he was doing better is nothing of the sort. It’s hard for me to think of a bigger mistake in a headline than to use the word “oops” here.


This is a recent poll- it’s a shitty one, for sure- but it’s recent. http://big.assets.huffingtonpost.com/NationalJune.pdf

I won’t even get into the particulars of how shitty it is. Just click the link.


Trump’s newest campaign slogan:
“I don’t suck nearly as much as you think I do!”


Turns out this poll actually did come out today.

Trump: Polls should be what I think then need to be.

“Oops! Trump Tweets Month-Old Poll Showing Him Almost Not Behind Clinton”

Comic welcomed relief from the last week-end,Ali funeral which opened the door for the Muslim community and the Orlando shooting which slammed the door shut.I am sure common sense will prevail.

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Note with the Other included (Gary Johnson) is worse than head to head match up:


Trump: Numbers are hard. The pollster made a mistake and should have put higher number against my name.

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I think the BritainFirst nutjobs are emulating our AmericaFirst nutjobs.


Like 56 to 51. Yeah that sounds right.

Promote that intern!

My favorite part is that he’s not even winning in this poll. It’s out of date, grossly over-inflated… and still shows him 2 pts back if the election were held today…

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Who thinks Team Trump glanced at the image, saw that the red line was larger and posted it as evidence as Trump in the lead not realizing that the red line was for Clinton and the blue line was for Trump? Not sure why any graphics department would do it that way but it’s hilarious that Trumps team doesn’t seem to know what it’s doing when it comes to anything even down to the most basic understandings of reality.


He’s going to be unskewing so hard it might create a rift in reality.


The America First Committee was a WWII-era isolationists, with strong support from Charles Lindbergh. Not monolithically RIght Wing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/America_First_Committee
Disbanded 3 days after Pearl Harbor

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