He’s the MAN! He’s the GO TO GUY! He’s alone on a rainy parched beach!
There’s also the chance that you’ll be the 10th caller and be the one who convinces him.
It says a lot that the minority leader in the house is not on that list, nor anybody from their leadership team.
Trump likes freewheeling chats about whatever crosses his mind.
Bullshitting is so much more fun than substantive conversation.
Earning spots on Trump’s most frequently called list are Sens. David Perdue (R-GA), Rand Paul (R-KY), Lindsey O. Graham (R-SC), Tom Cotton (R-AR), Cory Gardner (R-CO), John Barrasso (R-WY), Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Joni Ernst (R-IA).
Trump is uniquely accessible to lawmakers, especially when compared to former President Barack Obama. Obama reportedly preferred formal conversations with schedules, agendas and channels — Trump likes freewheeling chats about whatever crosses his mind.
The problem with Trump is that in his ‘freewheelin’’ conversations with lawmakers you don’t know if what he says is the same thing he says to the NEXT lawmaker in 10 minutes. You may denigrate Obama for his ‘schedules, agendas and channels’ but at least you knew the rules and policies going in.
Jeez, all those calls during his executive time. Must make it tough for the stable genius to get through an episode of Spongebob.
Just leaving this here.
I call Trump all the time!
win the free weekend at Mar-a-Largo.
Crab medication included!
I know what I would call Donnie…
Trump likes freewheeling chats about whatever crosses his mind.
He loves freewheeling conversations with the likes of Buck Rogers, Blake Carrington, Marshall Dillon and Miss Kitty, Lucy and Ricky, Timmy and Lassie, Starsky and Hutch and Huggybear…
Uniquely accessible is one way to put it.
Finding any excuse to not actually do any work is another.
Mob Boss having fun in his last days of freedom.
Count on it.
Lordy, I hope there are tapes.
Trump wants his servile courtiers calling and praising him. He only talks to the biggest butt kissers, including Iowa Senator Ernst and Yertle the Turtle, who are up for re-election in 2020. Let’s hope Iowa and Kentucky voters get rid of these shameless sycophants.
LOL Trump doesn’t speak for Trump, except for whatever makes him feel better during that particular conversation.
Good. Let’s use this list to target Those most closely connected to Trump for removal from office and use these contacts against them like “emails”