Discussion: Omarosa Claims There Are Tapes Of Trump Using ‘N Word,' Other Racist Slurs

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This is such a BS story. Tapes? Ok. Let’s hear them. Until we hear them, they don’t exist.

Anonymous sources. Tapes. The Steele dossier. God this gets old.


She is talking about the “Apprentice Tapes” I think, old news…

Her new contribution is about KAC’s husband,

She also claims that she personally witnessed Trump use racial epithets about the White House counselor Kellyanne Conway’s husband George Conway, who is half Filipino. “Would you look at this George Conway article?” she quotes the president as saying. “F**ing FLIP! Disloyal! Fucking Goo-goo.”

Both flip and goo-goo are terms of racial abuse for Filipinos.

I wonder, if that was said in the presence of KAC ?


Omarosa is, to say the least, not the most reliable of eyewitnesses, but this is unfortunately all too believable. And if there are tapes, I hope they will be produced.


Two predictions.

  1. He will claim he said “MAGA.”

  2. His approval ratings with the deploratariat will go up.


“It had finally sunk in that the person I’d thought I’d known so well for so long was actually a racist. Using the N-word was not just the way he talks but, more disturbing, it was how he thought of me and African Americans as a whole.”

A bit slow on the uptake?

(Or just happy to look the other way, so long as it shoved cash into her pockets?)


We don’t need to hear Drumpf using the N-word. We already know he is a racist xenophobe to his core.


I didn’t know this, and questioned it for a minute. But, I suppose if there is one thing he does pay attention to besides himself, racial slurs would be it.


Sad that all these revelations will actually enhance the adulation for him among his base.


All these people whose sense of justice magically comes to the fore when they’re promoting a book. Imperfect vessels, I guess.


Cue the Trump media entertainment complex pushback with the two minstrel show women defending him plus Fox hosts defending the N-word. “But rappers use it all the time!” “Even Trump supporter Kayne”

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I don’t care a wit about her motives. She has been a publicity whore from the get go, and if she gets paid for it, fine. She and Trump are actually made out of VERY similar pieces of cloth. Fine.

Now Rosy, just auction those tapes off to the highest bidder, and then someone, for cripes sake, PLAY THE DAMN TAPES.

I want every one of the Dotard’s groupies to embrace the N word, and all the other racial slurs their POS idol spews on a daily basis, publicly and without shame, THEN I want to watch the GOP grovel for their N word loving votes.

Then I want scarlet “N” T-shirts jammed on the whole lot of them and super glued to their flabby white guts :rage::rage::rage:

Lord, here my prayer :wink:


No, that’s how the National Enquirer was able to spike those stories about his affairs. Just release copies to all the major news outlets and use the publicity to goose book sales.


Ugh. I wouldn’t be surprised if she had used the “n word” on some of those tapes. I hold her in the exact same esteem as the Dotard.

Oh! This season of Infrastructure Week is the juiciest! Delicious!


Her revelations" about the Apprentice tapes have been repeated many times - they are under lock and key somewhere and I am sure they are keeping the person who holds the rights to them in great favor with Donald. I totally believe that they exist and that he uses the “n-word” on them many times, not to mention derogatory comments about women’s looks and multiple other racial slurs.

Maybe it takes a narcissist to stand up to a narcissist. As much as I despise Omarosa and would never ascribe any motives to her other than greed and thirst for celebrity, at this point she has displayed more integrity than any of the other scumbags who have been kicked out of the WH. How long before the low IQ tweets start up?

Rats fighting in a barrel.


We already know all this O, your tapes are worthless.

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Both flip and goo-goo are terms of racial abuse for Filipinos.

Here endeth the lesson.

For today, anyway.


wait a minute. what’s the other half of kellyanne conway’s husband?

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It’s all good with me. Whatever works!!

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