Discussion: Ole Miss Students: We Don't Want The Mississippi Flag On Campus

Discussion for article #241985

“History and Heritage” again I see. Being that this is at a university one would think that they could easily familiarize themselves on the details of the “History and Heritage” that they are so keen to revere.

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Trump: Its sad to see Southern Whites not being proud racist. They are getting caught up in Political Correctness. This is about White Heritage. Confederacy is all we are about. We are superior to all colored.

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Just replace the battle flag with this image, and the cranky old racists will be running to the store to get the new flag:

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This is epic. Good for them.

Hope the Chancellor is prepared for the flood of angry alumni calls, and the requests to hold white supremacist rallies on campus. I worked there when the University banned sticks at sporting events, and the then Chancellor started receiving death threats.

Change occurs, be it ever so slowly, and this, coming from Ole Miss, is epic.


If they are banning the flag, shouldn’t they also be changing the team name/logo? While many if not most of the rebel army was made up of poor whites who had little choice but to fight in the war, the leaders of the military were seeking to win a war to allow the continuation of slavery. Isn’t calling yourselves the rebels just as offensive or more offensive than the flag?

If so, good luck with the name change. I went to the Univ. of North Dakota (formerly the Fighting Sioux). Changing the name is not easy.

P.S. - I sincerely hope the ban on flag only bans the university from flying the flag, and not the students. If you want to fly your racist flag, you should have that right.

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Applauding the courage of Ole Miss students to remove symbol of hate
from your campus.

Mississippi can you hear the children?!


What an awesome moment in history to be witnessing. This isn’t a sea change, this is a fricking tidal wave and the flaggots are getting drowned.

A glimmer of hope for the next generation…

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Mississippi, you’ve come a long way baby!

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unfortunately they still have a long way to go…but even with the old asshats and inbred trying to get in the way … that wall will fall too…as someone from Louisiana it aint easy sayin somethin nice about Mississippi…but in this case its well desereved


They already changed the mascot at the games, banned the singing of “Dixie” and bringing the flag into the stadium.

And the fan base went nuts, staging huge boycotts of the games. Not sure if they still are, but they are still mightily pissed about those changes.

If they tried to change the name, heads will definintely explode.

But hey, as a Florida Gator, we already did our part this year to embarrass them :smiley:

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I’m surprised this article makes no note of Jeffrey Vitter being the brother of David Vitter.

This David Vitter:
Two of the four major Louisiana gubernatorial candidates say they would back a law to block the removal of Confederate monuments from New Orleans if elected, though questions have been raised about whether the state would have control over such an issue.

U.S. Sen. David Vitter and Public Service Commissioner Scott Angelle, both Republicans, said they would support legislation aimed at keeping the monuments in place, regardless of what Mayor Mitch Landrieu and the New Orleans City Council say.


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Coon, who is white, along with Honky, who is black said …

he he he…Pretty funny when you have to say what color someone is so their name doesn’t confuse you.

To be clear everyone needs to know Dick Chartreuse is NOT green with envy.

Yea I think it’s the herbs that give it that green color.

Yes, eating a lot of spinach makes sex in the woods easier to pull off without getting arrested.

And you can hide in the tall weeds…ok short weeds too…

You’ll notice, the AP couldn’t find anyone at Ole Miss who’d actually say that. Instead, the reporter, or, just as likely, an editor, had to make up an imaginary person who would have said that if asked. Because the AP Stylebook requires that all stories about liberally-biased real facts be balanced by made-up conservative facts, even if it means making up a conservative to say them.

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