Discussion: Okla. Gov

I watch LAW and ORDer and LISTEN TO EL RUSHBO. STAtes RIGHTS! and 10TH ARmendmant!!!1 guNZ111!ONE!!1!1!!


Why not a bill to make it illegal for liberals to hold civil service jobs? And make it illegal for Atheists to get married or own land in Oklahoma. Then, the work camps. It’s all going to plan…



Yeah, this “historical” monument has been there since 2012! I can’t imagine all the things it’s seen.




I missed your comment.

Why do I suspect this monument was “donated” by someone that wanted to be an ass and show their support for Judge Roy Moore or just annoy liberals in general. Like the people that don’t simply say “Merry Christmas” but feel the need to add “Jesus is the reason for the Season” to make sure it’s not plain old well wishes.


You are assuming she can read and comprehend what she does read. The two are not automatic.


“A deaf man could hear You!”


Mary Fallin is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs (with hat tip to Bill Maher)!!

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It’s important to erect a monument to remind Oklahomans that they shouldn’t covet their neighbors’ male or female slaves.


Oh it was definitely all about being an ass. This is absolutely their way of trying to declare ownership over the country. It’s “fuck you and your laws, this is MINE and I say what goes.”

Like a child who gets his hands on another kid’s ice cream cone and then licks the hell out of it to try to make it his own, they get control over the gov’t and immediately start attempting this kind of shit.

It is a way of peeing on everything to mark it as their territory. Nothing more, nothing less.


Are there independent, reliable, contemporaneous accounts of the Ten Commandments being handed down from a Supreme Being to Moses? “Historical” would seem to imply a level of authenticity I can’t find in the literature available. Should the citizens of Oklahoma demand a historical monument to the memory of Shangri-La?


It’s “The Jewish Book of Fairy Tales”

Wow. A trollin’ Republican Governor who apparently doesn’t understand the relationship between the states and the federal government. Surprised I am not.

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Bloody Mary at it again…What a fool she is… Church and State separation!

Perhaps Mary should learn them first…especially the “Thou Shalt Not Kill” . That especially goes for those on death row under questionable circumstances. Mary has the power to stop executions so she is guilty of murder every time someone is executed while she is governor. These bible thumpers only want things like the 10 commandments when its suits them, but dont follow them in practice.

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This leads me to think that there should be a requirement made that state lawmakers attend and pass a civics course covering their individual state Constitution and the federal one. This is deliberate and willful stupidity on the governor’s part.


Wouldn’t do any good. This is not a thing of knowledge or logic. They just know this is a “Christian nation.” The only way to stop them is to shoot them in the head like zombies. Not recommending that, mind you, except as a last resort.


Because this is regarding the First Amendment, it is a Federal matter. Also since there is no more room in the Constitution for new amendments, an existing amendment will have to be deleted. I suggest that the Second Amendment be removed to make room for this amendment.

Oh and by their nature; “amendments” cannot be “amended”, only deleted!1!!!1one11!!1!

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Does the governor understand that an amendment to the state constitution is irrelevant, since the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution supersedes it by default?

I’m guessing not.