Discussion for article #227243
Well I think we need to be wary of Republican Teahadist like this ass hat
Islam and muslim are not adjectives. They are nouns.
Sometimes I really do hate my home state.
Been a teahadist long or was the asylums computer room left unlocked again?
ps Christianity is not a Religion of peace either.
One would think that in Oklahoma they would know it’s the white catholics you need to be wary of. (NB Timothy McVeigh)
He’s proposing an open-carry bill, to no one’s surprise I’m sure. Pinhead.
Christianity and Christian are one in the same. They are adjectives describing their religion. Christianity is the religion, Christian is the person that follows Christianity. If someone claims to be Christian they subscribe to Christianity (Bible). The Bible clearly states that non-Christians should be killed. Redneck is the ethnicity, not Christian or Christianity. Be wary of the individuals who claim to be “Christian American”. Be especially wary if you’re a Muslim.
I left Pokiehoma due to Southern Baptist terrorism being pervasive and sanctioned by the state.
This tool just wants to keep the state safe for his Cracker buddies.
Yah, I did not realize how much fear and hate there was until I was posted in California after Vietnam. The people are kind hearted but mean spirited.
I attended the 2001 Rose Bowl with two friends who were WSU alums. Being an OU Alum and donor I got us tickets in the Oklahoma section and they being Cougars we had a steady stream of beer going. Many Oklahoma fans spent much of the game giving us disapproving looks. Guess by having fun we weren’t displaying the proper reverence.
People in that dang state have such tight arseholes that they whistle when they fart.
Send the disHonorable Reprehensible Bennett a love note.
Yet another misfire in the Extrapolation Department.
be “wary” of “Muslim Americans,” ???
you mean genuine United States citizens?
Gosh, how wary? Should internment camps be set up?
Should preemptive incarcerations be instituted?
Maybe they should be forced to wear a special patch on their clothing?
The other day someone pointed out to me that conservatives aren’t Nazis. This is proof of that assertion. Nazis persecuted Jews; conservatives persecute Muslims. Big difference.
Personally, I am far more frightened of American Fundamentalist christians. I find their agenda to be far more insidious.
It’s news to me that they like Jews either, other than when it’s convenient for making a point, or they think supporting Israel will start the war that causes Jesus to come back.
CAIR on the Holocaust:
“No legitimate cause or agenda can ever be advanced by denying or belittling the immense human suffering caused by the murder of millions of Jews and other minority groups by the Nazi regime and its allies during World War II. Cynical attempts to use Holocaust denial as a political tool in the Middle East conflict will only serve to deepen the level of mistrust and hostility already present in that troubled region.”
Given that CAIR is an organization devoted to dealing with Islam in America it’s not surprising that I can’t find much talking about foreign policy issues, but a few things from their core principles are relevant:
CAIR is committed to protecting the civil rights of all Americans, regardless of faith. CAIR is a natural ally of groups, religious or secular, that advocate justice and human rights in America and around the world. CAIR condemns all acts of violence against civilians by any individual, group or state.
OMG, what a horrible organization. /sarcasm
It’s obvious these jackhats have never even checked out CAIRs positions.