So is Dotard going to call out the National Guard?
Man, more power to them but I hope they don’t overplay their hands.
Damn! Teachers in Oklahoma are teaching right from wrong by example! I’m sure some teachers in Oklahoma are even Republican! They could teach Congress a thing or two.
Turn on the cameras. The revolution is underway.
Hallelujah! Testify! Amen!
These guys are nothing if not predictable. They have already accused us of using paid protesters, making death threats to legislators, trying to destroy someone’s pickup, and screaming at them. Now it’s “shifting demands.” I’ll check with my colleagues who had that on their bingo card.
Good. Stick to your [metaphorical] guns, OK teachers. Go after what you deserve.
So true!
There’s gotta be a Saul Alinsky reference in there somewhere. Maybe that is the center Free Space.
Well crap no, they’re not stupid enough to go back to work until the bill is actually signed, and any other bills that need to be passed and signed to fund the ostensible raises. Otherwise the legislature will just turn around next week and take everything back.
And once again, thanks AP for continuing to not mention that this is the first raise in 10 years.
It’s more like sticking to their guns.
This isn’t even coming close to replacing the amounts that have been cut in recent years.
Good for you. I presume you’re a teacher.