Discussion: Officials: Threat To Bergdahl's Life Kept Deal Secret From Congress

Discussion for article #223564

Pretty much because even though they could notify Congress in a closed door meeting, Capitol Hill leaks like a sieve, and there’s no way you can convince me that someone like Louie Gohmert doesn’t leak it out of spite and genuine mean hearted partisanship.


I’m not sure the Republicans, who seem to want Bergdahl dead anyway, are going to be consoled one bit by this explanation.

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So, if the Obama administration had informed Republicans, the Republicans would have cold-heartedly killed Bergdahl. They would have refused to STFU, and would have been responsible for his death.


The treatment of Bergdahl has been atrocious–by the very same Republicans and Fox News screamers who have been yelling for Obama to secure his release. The GOP and Fox are despicable, and showing themselves to be more and more so every day.


In the constitution it sez that if one of our soldiers wanders into enemy hands due to silly ideals then the enemy gets to execute him. Go ahead and look. It’s somewhere in the middle.


No way the baggers accept this explanation. Look for Qatar to be added to the itinerary when they go to Benghazi to get the “truth” of what happened.

Congressional Republicans:
“Threats against the life of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl …
… do not trump our right to…
have advance notice of every detail of the plan to rescue this person that we previously called a POW.”

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And then they would have blamed Obama for letting the Taliban kill him.


Especially for something that has turned out to be so “controversial.”

There are at least 30 Congresscritters and 10 Senators who would have blabbed this to FOX, or Newsmax, or Drudge just to get their 5 min. of fame and to polish their Reich-Winger Creds. that THEY opposed the “Evil Blackie in the White House” more-better than the next guy in line to speak at the microphone.
They don’t give a damn about American Soldiers (and never have) as they just use them for props during photo-shoots.
Fuck 'Em all.


As far as Republicans and leaks go, I have only two words for you, Darrell Issa. Look up the word sieve in the dictionary and you’ll see a photo of Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA). If there’s political hay to be made leaking classified or otherwise secret information, Issa will leak it. And then there was the real possibility of unintentional leaks by members of both parties; they happen all the time.

So which is more credible? The threat from the Taliban to kill him or the threat from Repbulicans to let him die?

Anyway, if Bergdahl was suffering the levels of disillusionment alleged, he was probably smart to walk away from his unit before he ended up like Pat Tillman.



Benghazi - Why wasn’t Congress notified about Benghazi 30 days before it happened?

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To your point:

Worth noting: Congress upset not told before Bergdahl swap. WH gives classified briefing. Congress immediately tells media briefing details

— Wesley Lowery @WesleyLowery June 5, 2014

Does anybody have any info on the soldiers who are accusing SGT Bergdahl of being responsible for their soldier mates deaths and for deserting his post? I mean, who are these guys who are making these statements? Any readers have wherewithal to share info on these young men, the accusers? C’mon, let’s find out what we can. Could be a whole new story…!

Per my post above…here is NYT link, with a fellow soldier’s comments. Also, the NYT reveals that there exists NO EVIDENCE that he deserted…
I am becoming more and more convinced that there is a whole other side to this story, which will end up just like all of the other phony scandals, only this one will be the worst yet for the repubs. Just a hunch…


And yet somehow, DiFi and McCain, after their camera whoring of yesterday, somehow conveeeniently seem to have missed that part of the briefing.

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The late Michael Hastings’ piece on Bergdahl and his unit – apparently they were pretty FUBAR:

Long, terrific profile; what a loss Hastings’ death is.