Because he doesn’t care.
Any other obvious answers I can provide today?
Because Kelly won’t let him celebrate terrorist acts just yet. “Still too soon, Mr. President.”
Again, for the millionth time: WHY IS GORKA WORKING FOR THE WHITE HOUSE??
It’s. Not. Normal.
It’s. Not. Okay.
because he’s so busy … working ? ? …
because faux hasn’t reported on it yet ? ? …
because no one was ’ blown-up ’ …and he’s pissed the bomber’s timing was … 'off ’ ? ? … SAD !
“I’m sure the President will do that,” he said. “Just hold your horses. Count to 10. The President will do what he needs to.”
I do believe I just saw a large hog fly by my 15th floor window…and reports are coming in that it’s below zero in Hell. Oh, wait, none of these things are true.
Trump hasn’t tweeted about it because he doesn’t care. Inside he is happy. He is a filthy nationalist himself.
Trump is completely transparent in only one way, i.e. in his dickheadedness.
Yea, you need to add that Trump doesn’t give a sh*t about Muslims. They’re never going to vote for him.
Well gee wizz folks, could it be because a mosque was bombed? Trump is well known for his anti-Islam attitude and by extension his anti freedom of religion/thought stance. And anyone who disagrees with him automatically is a bad person.
You just made trump miss his golf shot.
I get a not-so-clean feeling just trying to imagine what he might tweet if he felt impelled to say something.
Respectfully disagree.
He clearly DOES care.
He’s with the bombers.
Some of the Saudis might.
They love Publicans.
Why? Islamophobia - he got elected on it.
Trump did not tweet about the Quebec and MN attacks because he is anti-muslim*.
Trump did not tweet about the Russian expulsion of 755 diplomatic employees because they have some dirt on him.