Maybe it’s BECAUSE of efforts to undermine the ACA.
African Americans have always had the same kind of “support” from racists in their quest for their rights.
Fox News headline will read something about takers sponging off the American taxpayer. Oh, and the illegals.
CMS Administrator Seema Verma said the administration has taken strong steps to run a smooth and efficient sign-up process and Wednesday’s numbers are “another sign that the administration’s efforts are working.”
We hope to reduce the sign-up period to 24 hours, beginning at 300 am on Thanksgiving Day. An alternate plan would require signing up on February 29th.
taken a number of other actions that unsettled the health law’s insurance markets.
“Unsettled” is what they’re calling it now?
Experts said the numbers show staying power for the health law, despite
continuing political problems and high premiums that put coverage out of
reach for people who make too much money to qualify for subsidized
premiums. 8 years of unrelenting efforts by republicans to repeal it and to restrict americans’ access to health care
Democratic candidates: I hope you’re paying attention to this. This is the clearest example of a winning issue on the landscape.
We may be lurching towards the day when you can get elected by exclaiming, in full throat, “Medicare for everyone! Put the private health insurance gougers out of business!”
Higher enrollment is also astonishing and gratifying esp. in the face of what CMS Administrator Seema Verma has done to try to sabotage enrollment including this.
Consistent with press reports, CMS will cut navigator funding to only $10 million for 2019. This is down from $36.8 million for the 2018 plan year (which was, itself, cut from about $63 million for the 2017 plan year). Since the Trump administration took office in January 2017, the navigator program has been cut by about 84 percent. CMS is scaling back the navigator program due to what it believes is heightened public awareness of the marketplace and new coverage options.
@riverstreet Verma’s no friend of consumers.
What this means CMS Administrator Verma is that the computer glitches that plagued the roll out have been fixed. What is means is that customers are not waiting til the last minute. What it means is that there is a goodly amount of demand for this product.
New York had record enrollment this year, 4.7 million. The program was well-advertised and the state exchange was well prepared. It’s not that hard to get people to sign up if you make even a basic effort.
It is further proof that people want health care, and under the current system, they need insurance of some kind to do that.