Discussion: Obamacare Enrollment Slows In Final Days As Republicans Debate Repeal

What matters more is the total number of enrollees. Didn’t I read that immediately after the election, larger than expected numbers of people signed up for Obamacare? That (in addition to the Trump administration sabotaging ads and access) might have contributed to lower numbers in the final few weeks.

Everything republicans claim is wrong with the law are things they would never try to address. They worked for 8 years to sabotage it then claim it’s failing. I hate to see truth always getting it’s ass kicked by lies

Conservatives want to stop those people, so the middle class can pay 100% of their more expensive emergency health care costs.

The Republican leadership doesn’t care. They don’t pay taxes.

“…these numbers are the result of a law that forces Americans to sign up for insurance they don’t want or need,” House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) said

If Americans don’t want or need health insurance, then what’s holding up the GOP’s Obamacare repeal bill?

Plus once almost everyone is signed on I think it would be pretty normal for the numbers to drop.