Another mic drop moment from the best president in my lifetime, so far.
I believe he’s telling voters to judge Trump and Republicans by the content of their character. It’s a liberating thought.
I wonder if all those Democratic ex-politicians now wish they didn’t shun President Obama in 2010 and 2014?
Damn straight…
Wow! He will be missed. Hillary is a hard worker. She can carry the torch for change. She may not be a political rock star in terms of speeches. But she can get the job done.
Thought this would be apropos
“You don’t talk about violence against public officials even in a joke,” Obama said. “And I want to acknowledge, he apologized, but the problem is this is becoming normal.”
Obama says if a Democrat had done something like that, “I would condemn them in a hot second.”
That’s exactly what this election is all about. Thank you Mr President. You are the best and you will be remembered as truly one-of-a-kind.
(Meanwhile, all those racist, bigoted, obstructionist idiots will be remembered exactly as such ).
Back in '08 when my sister was a Hillary supporter and I was trying to bring her over she complained Obama “was good at giving speeches.” I asked her what she remembered about FDR or Kennedy or Lincoln if not their speechifying. She recently admitted that I had nailed it in '08.
Edit to add:
I’ve seen people shower praise on Bill Clinton for his amazing ability to connect with an audience and they’re right, but even on his best day he can’t hold a candle to Obama’s ability.
There’s always been a school of thought which said the party in power for two terms doesn’t win a third term, but clearly it’s not true. There was Reagan/Reagan/Bush and going way back FDR/FDR/Truman and now it appears we’re going to see Obama/Obama/Clinton. So the talking heads can put that puppy to rest.
The sample size is too small—it was a meaningless pattern.
Talking heads talking to each other and then disseminating their shared wisdom. That’s how it works.
I’m going to miss him so much. And Michelle. Sigh.
You don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone.
Sometimes when I think America is a lost cause I remember that it produced this exceptional family and I am buoyed right back up again.
If the country can still produced people like the Obamas and you know what? They’re there - then we’re doing just fine.
OT - HO’s child-rape accuser to go public at 3pm PT.
You’ll like this from Architectural Digest. Scroll down a little ways, and there’s a slide show of the Obama residence in the WH, and it’s all beautiful
It’s gorgeous - I’ve seen it. Their taste in art is sublime. That place never looked better.
It is still very difficult to get three terms, much less four, with the same party. FDR/FDR/FDR/FDR/Truman was a unique situation, with depression followed by war. Sobering thought though it is, Itcwould have been very difficult for Hillary to win (please be true) if the Rs hadn’t self-destructed.