Discussion: Obama To Visit Louisiana Next Week Amidst Severe Flooding

You obviously don’t have a clue. They have enough trouble down there without having the deal with highway closures and more responders and security to deal with the President’s visit. It is more important that the president offered all the help they need and the people who are really needed there, like FEMA is more important.


Some are saying Drumpf went to Louisiana to make money on distressed properties selling cheap, and to sell Drumpf Brand Bottled Water.

What a shrewd businessman!


Bush signed FEMA orders, too, after Katrina. Did you give him a pass for that?

By the way, it looks like you arent a PRIME member. If that is right, why dont you write that $40 check and join those of us who take seriously our financial responsibility to this great site. Thanks.

I’ve never had someone disagree with me and then also chastise me for not being a prime member…


Donald’s statue toured the country. Can’t get the imagery out of my head.

@cabchi I don’t agree we’re giving the president a pass in this dustup du jour but maybe it’s because we understand what he’s done almost single handedly since January 2009. The governor of LA said even he would prefer the president wait a few weeks because the of the congestion it creates on the ground while first responders are trying to do their work…


I didnt say Obama should be down there, now. I said that if it wasn’t appropriate for him (or other politicians) to be down there for a couple weeks, he should have been on TV days ago with Fugate and Edwards explaining the strategy, including the FEMA response.

I don’t mind being criticized, but I prefer being criticized for things I said rather than for things I never said. I also notice that you participate a lot at TPM, but it doesn’t look like you help support TPM by joining PRIME. If that is rightf, why don’t you write a $40 check today or put it on a credit card. You will feel better not being a freeloader.

don’t feed the cabchi.


Are you upset because he missed a great opportunity for a photo-op?

I’m reminded of the brouhaha that occurred when he didn’t immediately go to Louisiana and get his picture taken on the beach after the Deepwater Horizon blew up.


There’s a film coming out about Michelle and Barack’s early years when they were first dating. Have you heard of it? Sounds worthwhile

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The president needs to control the narrative. Obama usually does that, as he did after Sandy Hook, but I don’t believe he did so here. And I think he knows it.

I dont think it’s very persausive to respond to criticism of Obama by suggesting that I must be a Guliani fan. Thats pretty sophmoric. Surely you can do better than that.

As a final note, I see that you apparently aren’t a PRIME member, but spend a lot of time on TPM. Why don’t you join a lot of the rest of us and take a little personal responsibility for the financial future of TPM. It is only $40 a year, and is well worth it, especially for someone who likes to participate frequently. Thanks.

No, I am upset that he gave a cheapshot to Trump. As I have said now several times here, he didn’t need to go to Louisiana right away, but he needed to explain his strategy to the American people days ago, including his decision, supported by Gov Edwards, to let FEMA do its job and not get in the way.

Well there is always a first. :slightly_smiling_face: We have Josh Marshall begging for support, and you are dissing him and undercutting TPM. There is no excuse for that.

I have no intention whatsoever to persuade, scold away ad nauseum. And don’t call me Shirley; and also, Pfft.


How dare you! This is third time I’ve read this diatribe of yours in as many responses. Get off your high horse. Not everyone can afford to pay for an advertising free existence. We’re supporting TPM just fine, and it’s not your place to tell people otherwise.

Otherwise, I’ve been a minority of one agreeing with you that Obama should have controlled the narrative.


Yeah, that was unneccesary.


Fair enough. I understand your point and I’m really not trying to be difficult but do you think a nationally televised message explaining that his Homeland Security Director and very professional FEMA director were making sure the Federal government was doing everything in it’s power would’ve been enough dissuade Trump’s inevitable criticism?

Edit to add: Never mind. I see in your response to @chammy that you think Obama should’ve been on television. I think it would’ve looked cheap even if the networks agreed to cover it.


If the President goes, it’s a logistical nightmare. Secret Service, other LEOs, roads being closed, etc; after all, he needs to be protected from those who may do him harm.

When Trump goes, it’s easy. You just need to make sure the populace is protected from that maniac and his groupies.


You’re right, of course. I just keep worrying about how the public (especially undecided voters) perceives these things because of media spin.

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The preview I saw earlier today looked a little “cheesy” - I hope it doesn’t appear to trivialize what is a strong, long-lasting relationship. Maybe better, in my opinion, for this kind of thing to come out after the President leaves office.

Don’t spoil it for lgb. She’s sooo looking forward to it.