Discussion: Obama To Take On Redistricting In Post-Presidency Project With Eric Holder

Local elections are what matter to redistricting: state representatives and senators and the governor’s office. Don’t blow these races off, but get out there and work your fanny off for progressives in your district and in other districts where it matters. We can turn this thing around, but it requires time and attention through all contests up to and including the 2020 election.

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I wouldn’t call gerrymandering in the eye of the beholder. The term literally means resistricting in a partisan manner. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerrymandering

The issue is that, while it was expected that some parties would do this to some degree when they were in power, I believe it was also commonly assumed that they would not be extremely overt in their gerrymandering as it would make the party look bad. In recent years the extremism of the GOP and Tea party have shot that expectation to hell.

Just like we assumed a racist, bigoted, intolerant fuck of a Presidential candidate would never make it through the primary process.

The reason Obamacare is failing is simple: All of the insurers are pulling out of exchanges. I agree that costs have been controlled. I agree that more have been covered. Costs are going up, up, up - they are doubling in MN. In NC, no insurers remain in the exchanges. Without insurers in the exchanges, the system does not work.

Why are there no insurers? The mix of patients has turned too old. Not enough young people are signing up. Thus, insurers are losing money. This is not sustainable.

Can this program be saved? I really wonder.


If there are no insurers in the exchanges, the program will have failed. That’s going to take higher fines, more subsidies, or coercion. Good luck with the Republican House on any of those.

Heh. The Republican House has neither the intelligence nor the will to fix healthcare costs. The voters will vote them out when they see this and the new Democratic majorities will institute the public option, which will become a government single payer within a few years. Suck on that.

That’s not happening. Period. If you really believe that, you need Politics 101.

I hear ya, gotta hope you’re right. Nice post. Thanks.

Dark Money by Jane Mayer the story of how the Kochs spend their money was as eye opening and horrifying as anything I’ve ever read. They started planning their dirty deeds right after his first inaugural because they know he’d be a threat to their plans for privatizing this country, planned voter disenfranchisement, and more. Setting up tea party groups and calling them “grass roots organizations” was part of that plan. They were astroturf phonies.

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You have no idea. None. Your little right-wing bubble is bursting and you will spin out of control.

you misspelled “Redistricting” in the headline. hello? TIERNEY SNEED?