Discussion: Obama To Seek Aid To Address Flood Of Immigrants At Texas Border

Discussion for article #224469

A long term solution to the problem is to remove the reasons that they are fleeing their countries. The US has instituted and is supporting a de facto dictatorship in Honduras when the US was the only country to support a military coup removing an elected president who happened to incur the wrath of the oligarchs by raising the minimum wage to $1.00 a day. The US is also responsible for the mess in El Salvador and Guatemala by their previous actions from Reagan to the present in support of military control. That many if not most of these kids are fleeing to avoid being forcibly recruited by the narco cartels and the Mara Salvatrucha should be taken into consideration when judging asylum applications.

In the meantime, sending these kids back to their countries is only going to provide the narcos and the Mara Salvatrucha with new recruits. Well done, xenophobes!


Oh look, another Obama failed policy that this time will cost children lives!!! As he has said, many children might not make it to the border at all falling victim of the cartels, human trafficking or just by falling off a train.

And that cretin of Pelosi telling everybody yesterday that we should consider this an opportunity!!! How stupid that woman can get???

Where will these children get those lives that this will cost them Lips?

Oh. And the situation in their country is not an Obama policy. You wanna guess whose policy lips?

And calling Ms Pelosi a cretin is not very civil now is it? In fact it might just get you banished!


Talk Like Yoda Day was May 21st, dude.

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The right will have a hissy fit should Obama want to spend money to strengthen the border and fast track deporting thousands of illegals…oh…wait.


Yep, they will have to offset the costs by canceling a contract with Halliburton. Or perhaps the GOTP can find a way to further defund early nutrition for babies….now THERE is an idea!

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Libs, er…lips…wasn’t it the …ummm … republicans who always have crowed about closing or at least strengthening the border? Now when Obama wants to do exactly that you whine and belly ache. Good grief, get a life.


Little weewee, its the republicans that talk of their love of fetuses, but living breathing children who are in harm’s way in Central America, not so much. That’s what’s going on here. If you use “cretin” or “retard” or call any woman “stupid” again I will flag you.


Doing it once is enough for me to flag her. Yes… Lips is female. But I would not call her a woman…

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I’ll take your word for her gender. I’ve probably warned more than necessary that I would flag in the future, so next time I’ll just do it. It’s also more than a little creepy that she would use a urinating man, although it’s a statue, as an avatar.

Cretin. That was always one of EG’s favorite insults.


Good point. Next election I’ll be sure to vote for the mainstream candidate that doesn’t support dictators in Central America.

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It might have been one of lib’s mother’s favorite insults. Monkey see. . .

It’s funny how when Pelosi makes a comment that’s like the alert for Republisquats to open the flood gates of their vile misogyny. They are as predictable as Louie Gohmert saying something ignorant.

Yeah well we know how this one will play out.

Repubs whine that borders aren’t secure and it’s Obama’s fault.
Obama offers a remedy by requesting funding to secure border.
GOP will do one of three things:

  1. Balk at the cost, suggesting our kids’ grandkids’ kids’ kids’ will
    pay the cost.
  2. Take up a bill in the House where costs of the funding will be
    offset with the repeal of ObamaCare
  3. Filibuster a bill in the Senate, citing Obama’s lawlessness and how
    they don’t trust him to do what he says he will do with the money.

And all the while, the amnesiamedia will scratch their heads, say how “both sides” do something, wring their hands questioning why nothing gets done in Washington and suggest it’s because Obama won’t invite Repubs over at the White House for Taco Tuesdays.

And if Obama does do something on his own to at least try to rectify the situation, he’s being a fucking king and that’s unconstitutional and therefore he must be impeached sued.

Then GOP will do their daily media ho stroll, blaming Obama for the border not being secure. A bonus will be booking Romney to give his opinion.

Note: You can plug in any issue into this scenario. Same thing, over and over. Wash, rinse, repeat.


You (sadly) described the typical scenario perfectly.


And his English was, shall we say, not exactly impeccable.

Bingo. That’s the invariable playbook. And the nine out of ten people who don’t follow politics will just be disgusted with “politicians,” which works for the wingnuts because people being unaware and not participating in the governance of their society helps their cynical antigovernment cause.

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Nice post. Thanks!

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