Discussion: Obama To Pitch Clinton As Most Qualified Person Ever Up For Prez

…and, honestly, like her or not, it’s probably true.

I don’t think it’s even debatable. Really looking forward to this speech.

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I think ever since HRC started drawing incoming right wing nut fire ca. 1992, she’s tread very lightly in shaping her public persona. She was part of the committee that helped impeach Nixon and Bill defeated Poppy bush. The Rs will always looks for ways to defame her and leave the impression she is not likeable (and Bill is corrupt, a rapist and worse) because they each had a part in bringing down R presidents.


to manage a global crisis or send young people to war.

Mmmmm. That could be better phrased. “send young people into harms way”.

Just like Republcans are always trying to find the Democratic Party’s version of Watergate, they cannot forget, to their own detriment.