Discussion for article #233655
Higher education, lower education. It’s all fair game to the GOP stricken.
The President needs a veto stencil and a big can of Krylon…
“Obama Threatens Veto Of GOP Bill To Fix No Child Left Behind”
Why does your headline implicitly accept the GOP/Teatroll position that their proposal “fixes” NCLB, as opposed to correctly conveying that they’re using it all as a superficial excuse to bugger the public education system like a meth-addled $2 whore?
“Democrats say it would lead to the federal government abandoning its responsibility to poor, minority, non-English-speaking and disabled children.”
GOPers/Teatrolls roll their eyes and say “that’s the whole fucking point.” I mean, for the life of me, I don’t know how you can not understand the destruction of the public education system for poor, minority, non-English-speaking and disabled children as GOP/Teatroll immigration policy.
The bill maintains annual federal testing requirements. It would eliminate many federal programs, creates a single local grant program…
So in other words, the Republican idea of “fixing” NCLB (accepted without comment by the AP) is to get rid of the parts that actually supported schools, while keeping in place the burdens that everyone across the board found problematic and worthless. Typical.