On the front page now, this story is the top story with a pic of O tearing up, and right under that there’s a piece with Paul Ryan’s assinine [missp intended] face entitled “Ryan Blasts Obama: Action On Guns ‘Undermines Liberty’.”
So beautifully articulated to ALL of our “Constitutional Rights” that the GOPers always boil down to two only–1st amendment free speech so they are able to lie, lie and lie more with impunity, and 2nd Amendment gun rights.
Obama has such a wonderful mind, and he can articulate the issues so perfectly. Good for him–the standard cant of the Republicans–canned cant, I call it–looks so paltry and dumb beside his brilliance.
This man speaks to my heart. G-d bless him. It pains me too Mr. President. Look what’s become of my country with all this gun violence and a Congress that won’t act for the common good. Its so fucked up.
90% of Americans want stronger background checks on guns and closing of the gun show loophole.
This has been a consistent high polling number of Americans in favor of dealing with this issue over many years. On this, Americans have long ago agreed this is the right thing to do. I only wish the President could have done this so much earlier when Congress failed to act.
President Obama speaks for most Americans (but sadly, the GOP does not because they are beholden to the gun manufacturing industry) when he says his Executive action addresses that issue. Don’t let the media tell you otherwise. They’re good at muddying the waters as well when it comes to this issue.
seedeevee, your momma’s calling you. She says, if you’re gonna stay down in the basement all day, she wants you to throw in another load a laundry in the machine while you’re down there…and don’t forget the fabric softener.
Question: What other viable options exist, other than ground troops and drones, that will allow us to confront and take out those on other continents who have and continue to do us harm?
Question 2: What do you get out of calling him “Barry”? I will never quite understand why using a term of endearment, a nickname from his childhood, seems to be so invigorating.
Question 3: What is an “Obama firster”? This is all so bizarre.
The piles of money that the NRA and the firearms industry are raking in at the expense of innocent lives and at the expense of a civil society created by the sacrifices of my parents, grandparents, and great grandparents, makes me tear up.