Discussion for article #244314
Look closely…the finger he used to wipe away those tears was aimed right at the RWNJ fuckers who celebrate the dead children in our schools and the useless rwnj clowns in congress who refuse to do anything about it.
America will never be great again until we have a strong leader who won’t cry unless it’s for a really good reason, like seeing a windmill from one of your golf courses.
If ever it could be said that tears are brilliant, that happened today.
that’s what being a leader looks like.
OHbummER teaRs UP the SEcOND aMENDment. Weeps BEcAUSE he’s Literally Murdered AMerica bY Literally Gnawing AT Its FABric. LIbtard ELITEs WILL ROO not PAYIng aTTEntion TO the ANGer! That’s WHY TRuMP haS MILLIOns of PEOPle at his RALLIEs and HAs POLE NUmbers WHILE HITLAry wILL SOON languish in FEderAL PRISon FOR DOING Benghazi AND EmAILS. ONLY LIBeraL ELItes HAVE SERvers TO Serve THE EMaiL AND OTHer household HELP!!!1!!one!!11!!!
That Man is our President. I cannot accept less from the leader of the United States. I do not see this conviction in any of the RW "candidates.
Any wagers on who the first wingnut will be to say, “Putin would never cry!”
You must mean tRump
In 3, 2, 1… did not get it in on time…
“Second Amendment rights are important, but there are other rights we care about as well. And we have to be able to balance them,” he said. (President Barack Obama)
Couldn’t have said it better, President Obama. Thank you.
I watched the conference in real time and those weren’t fake crocodile tears. This president is the real deal and fuck the GOPers and Dems who don’t appreciate him
That’s for sure. That’s what a real President looks like
Yeah a subtle way of giving them the finger
This is what a leader looks like. Thank you, Mr. President.
Damn, I love him.
And this boys and girls, is the difference between Dems and GOPers running for president. When children die in a preventable mass killing; Dems cry, their humanity shows. GOPers on the other hand, blame the victims for getting shot.
Remember this in November.
And btw, I am so proud of this man. When I think of all the shit he has had to endure.
Fuck Trump. Barack Hussein Obama has made America great again.
The sad thing is, of course, the RWNJs are all screaming about how Obama is after their guns–which has been demonstrated over and over to be patently false–I actually believe he’s not been forceful enough. I know he’s got an extremely difficult job and he needs to balance America’s priorities. I believe he’s done a particularly good job of doing just that–especially considering the strong headwinds the Republicans have given us. It’s actually rather amazing we are doing as well as we are, thinking about all the stops the Republicans have pulled out in front of our progress. That said, we could/should be so much farther down the road in dealing with gun violence if the NRA hadn’t been allowed to grow into the monster they are today. Our lobby laws need a major overhaul.
Boy oh boy did the GOP/Teatrolls squander our opportunity that was the past 7 years.
“And by the way, it happens on the streets of Chicago every day.”
Translation: “Yeah, I heard you every time you used this in your arguments, you racist gun-fetishist motherfuckers.”
God forbid another mass killing happens while President Obama (or anyone else) is in office, but…
If it does, I want the President to take the Senate Majority Leader and the Speaker of the House, and put them to his left and right at his podium, and ask them to explain to the cameras, to the families of the dead, and to the American people, what they are doing to prevent another one of these mass killings from ever happening again.