Discussion: Obama Sounds Off About NYT Op-Ed: 'This Is Not Normal'

Anyone want to read the “fake” letter?


They’re gonna need a bigger hole.


What I want to know is who prepared the letter and put it on Trump’s desk. Bannon was already out, so Miller?

I applaud Woodward (and Cohn in this case) but this missing detail bothers me. Will have to see if it’s in the book of course, but if it is, I don’t see why this bit of information isn’t mentioned in the reporting. And if it isn’t in the book, I’d like to know why Woodward didn’t ask about the sourcing.

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Come back, Shane…

Me too - I’d have been totally lost before now if it wasn’t for Stephen.

It took me quite awhile before I could accept that he isn’t president anymore. sigh

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There’s that GUY again. Watch him as Trump stumbles over “amonolus”


Curious to know which media are you imagining that are taking up Democratic issues to the extent of being proxy fighters.

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Love me some B. Kliban. This is one of my favorites. Thanks for posting.