Yes, but as Teddy said when he endorsed Barack Obama, “The torch has been passed.”
Randy, I would like to add something missing from your magnificent post:
Is there anything that President Obama set out to do that he didn’t accomplish even though the GOP swore they would do everything they could to make him fail?
Unemployment back down below 6% from where Bush left it in free fall, Lucy Ledbetter equal pay law passed, banks are solvent again, executive order enacted to give the Dreamers a path to full citizenship, ObamaCare entering its 3rd year, Bush deficit is closing faster than anticipated, Asian trade deal signed, troops pulled out of both Iraq and Afghanistan, balanced budget for two more years, Bin Lauden dead, and Iranian nuclear deal signed with its reactors being shutdown today.
It’s the GOP who has a lot of explaining to do to voters. They haven’t accomplished anything but a governmental shutdown.
Republicans have shown that they don’t want to do any work in Congress or fix anything which they broke during the Bush/Cheney Era of corruption and waste. They’re now promising to break everything again using the very same policies that caused a 2nd GOP Great Depression and worldwide banking collapse.
Voters need to be asked: When Democrats can do all this with one of their hands tied behind their backs, imagine what they could do without the Republicans in control of the House and a Senate without filibusters?
Isn’t it time to stop the gerrymandering and voter suppression so government can really work for the underemployed, outsourced-stressed middle class and working poor? Why are we allowing Republican social conservatives and foreign monopolies threaten us and control what we can think, do and dream?
Thank you, emiliano.
Thanks for this Post.
The President was reported to have enjoyed his afternoon when he finished eating the Republicans lunch.
I would add to the bullet point about ACA coverage of 16 million, that the percentage of uninsured Americans is now just 9%. Most of that uninsured is due to multiple “red” states refusing to expand Medicaid, which was part of the ACA, that was funded by the Federal gov. (in other words, would not have cost the states a dime).f
Good point, thanks.
Thank you, President Obama. I thank you. My mutual fund shares thank you. The stock market thanks you. And the rest of the world thanks you.