Discussion: Obama Says Issa Mailers Touting Bill Signed By President Are 'Shameless'

Q: What is the difference between Darrell Issa and slime? A: Nothing, absolutely nothing.


While you are out registering voters/canvassingā€¦you ask them if they would like to vote absentee, in order to drive up your early voting numbers. As a 3rd party organization, you are obliged to take in ALL such requests, not just the ones from your party.

If you are running an operation in a heavily Democratic area, you are going to get more Democratic requests than republican ones. You hold on to them in your field office because you donā€™t want to turn them in to be processed by the state into actual absentee ballots. And then you set fire to the entire office and blame it on ā€œDemocratic thugsā€ Controversy caused, and ballot requests destroyed. Two birds with one firebomb.



I would think that having a bunch of absentee ballots laying around at Republican or Democratic campaign offices is a recipe for chicanery.

fwiw - this story has been updated.

CORRECTION: A previous version of this article quoted a party official as saying completed absentee ballots might have been destroyed in the attack on the Orange County Republican Party office, which was incorrect. The North Carolina Republican Party and its county organizations do not collect completed absentee

"That is the definition of chutzpah,ā€ Obama said, adding that Issa's mailers were "shameless," according to Politico.



Not ballots, ballot request forms.


Iā€™ll buy several and give them to Ā®s I know-- for Christmas that year.



DAMN! I love this man. For 8 years heā€™s put up with nothing but SHT from these GOPpers but heā€™s never forgotten. NOW when they want to ride his coattails and show how they can ā€˜work togetherā€™ he is nailing them with their own BS.


Hmmm. Accumulate a bunch of ballot request forms. Using previous voter information cull the Republican requests from the Democrat requests. Forward the Republican requests to the elections office. Put the Dem requests on a sofa in the campaign hdqtrs. Burn down the campaign hdqtrs. Sounds like a plan.


Thatā€™s a bit unfair. Even the worst president (George W. Bush) signed good legislation. Would we say that a Democrat who voted to impeach Nixon was shameless for touting legislation that Nixon signed? (If it was unrelated to the matters involved in the impeachment.)

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Gives No Fucks Obama is my favorite action figure.


Out of fucks.


Issa will likely respond to this by burning down a warehouse and collecting the insurance money.


Deep into NMFTG territory. Canā€™t wait for November 10.

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"ā€˜Please change this man from the socialist Muslim that he is.ā€


Okā€¦they are dancing around two different things, and trying to conflate them as one.

If a person wants to vote absentee (or vote by mail as we call it in Florida), they can fill out a request with a 3rd party organization, who then takes them all down to the Supervisor Of Elections office and turns them in 2-3 times a week. In Florida at least, you HAVE to turn them in twice weekly.

This requestā€¦is not a ballot. Its a request for the state to mail you the ballot. If a person fills out such a request, and its never turned over to the state, they will be waiting for a ballot that will never arrive, and thusā€¦there is a high probability they never vote.

You keep saying ā€œballotā€ā€¦its not ballots that they indicated they had stored thereā€¦its the REQUESTS for absentee ballots from voters.

The update is playing with this same issueā€¦clarifying that the GOP doesnt hold actual ballots (which is true) but ignorning the fact that they would hold absentee ballot REQUESTS. The issue isā€¦how many were they holding, and for how long? If they had say, several weeks worthā€¦there is a big problem.


ā€œGives No Fucks Obama is my favorite action figure.ā€

All ā€˜figureā€™, no ā€˜actionā€™.

And those same Republicans will never get it. Just like they never get the BLM, white privilege, or that running a government of any size is the same as running a business.


Oh my, how at the end of this election will we ever be able to pick only one El Deplorable? At the rate this campaign season is going the NCAA bracket will have nothing on the Deporable bracket.

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Got to love President Obama!

Issa will get his just desserts when he loses in two weeks!

Itā€™s going to be wonderful. I canā€™t wait for election night results to start pouring in!