Discussion: Obama’s Wild Night Out In Denver Blasted As Bad Optics

Pundits!!! More like Gypsy astrologers with a less giving nature…


Who the fuck is a Jedediah Bila and why the fuck should I care what she thinks?


jesus christ shut the fuck up already you prissy fucking drama queens. I seem to recall a recent president who was allegedly a guy ‘you’d like to have a beer with’ but god forbid the scary black man in the white man’s house hang out at a bar with average Americans. If it were Bush they’d be scorning any critics as humorless liberals who need to get a life.

goddamn, are you required to have any sense of self-awareness surgically removed before you climb on the wingnut welfare gravy train?


President Obama has time to take a shit and bed his wife but refuses to visit the border. Boo on you!


Heh. Beat me to it.

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And, of course, if he WASN’T in CO, then there’d be a problem with him because he was so toxic that he couldn’t even go to fundraise for one of his Senators.

So let’s say that he stayed in DC, sat around and looked serious about the situation. Then what? Let’s be clear about something guys: these people are being sent back to their country of origin. The vast majority are NOT going to be allowed to stay here. Whether POTUS goes to the border or not, there are agencies to deal with undocumented immigrants albeit not the tidal flood of them.


"These guys have not been able to get control of any story for months now.”[quote=“system11111, post:1, topic:6711, full:true”]
Discussion for article #224841

Says the dispassionate cable news guest whose job it is to make it difficult for the Obama administration to get control of any story.

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But, but, I thought Obama was too aloof …

Ridiculous. I heard Andrea Mitchell and Ruth Marcus saying this will be a horrible moment for Obama.



Hehe…but in parts of real America they drink beer, shoot pool AND smoke pot :wink:


President Obama must be deeply touched by this outpouring of heartfelt concern for his troubled “optics”. He should send thank you notes.


Right you are. The GOP was thoroughly traumatized by Nixon’s criminality, and they ginned up ‘impeachment’ for Clinton to try to out the same mud on a Democrat. It did not work, in case they don’t recall.

That same GOP was scarred by Bush’s ineptitude with the helpless and dying victims of Katrina. So they are trying to get that same false equivalency/the other side does it too going with Obama.

Nice try. But … guess what? Doesn’t work.

I’ve seen recently GOP-inspired letters to the editor in several newspapers saying Obama’s administration is the most scandal ridden ever (citing the non-scandals of the IRS, the website troubles for ACA, Benghazi and Fast and Furious). They never recall the billions in Iraq that went awry, the guy hired to up-armor Humvees for the GIs in Iraq who instead spent $10 million on his daughter’s sweet sixteen party; nor the Dept. of Interior employees who regulate the oil industry and grant leases having sex with the oil company employees and doing lines of coke with them.) But those weren’t really ‘scandals,’ because IOKIYAR.


While I agree with your sentiment, I think if the press caught the dry drunk Bush out having a few beers in a bar…it would be the ONLY story.

Of course it presents an image problem. He is the wrong color and obviously from the wrong party.

(rolls eyes)


The use of the word “pundit” in reference to Jonah Goldberg is as careless as he is. Goldberg is strictly a RWNJ and should be treated as such by the media.


Don’t forget a gay male prostitute posing as a journalist and getting access to the White House…they still never answered questions on that one.


Beer, pot, pool - sounds good to me…


No no no. President Obama needs to be personally hiding in the brush with a big butterfly net.


Andrea Mitchell is a Hillerite. She has never liked Obama. And besides, soon her head will be bigger than her entire body.


Now watch this drive:


The ecological disaster an actual fence would cause never enters into the heads of the pea brained morons who advocate for it.

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