Discussion: Obama Ribs Politico For Its New European Venture

I’ve always thought that under some near future Democratic administration when there is an opening on SCOTUS that president will turn to this president, but if they’re living in Rancho Mirage Ca, as is rumored, it might be hard to leave


The Senne River runs through Brussels. It was a play on Charlie Pierce’s nickname for Politico, Tiger Beat on the Potomac.


I learn something every day.


I still pass through there every day, but they are worse than ever.

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Politico leans right. It’s founders and editors are ex Republican operatives. Yet Politico tries to portray itself as neutral. Posting hack pieces on Obama. Rich Lowry’s editorials are usually amusing to read.


Umm, I missed that rumor. Who is they and where are they doing what???

Politico borders on a cruel mixture of Mad Magazine, National Enquirer with the editorial slant of … say … Evans & Novak !

Pandering to the faux-intellectual political non-cognescenti of the activated R-wing sympathizers out there.

All “sizzle” without the hassle of actually having to eat the steak !

Earlier this year there was an article in a Palm Springs newspaper speculating that the O’s were buying a big property in Rancho Mirage for themselves after he left office. It’s not clear that this is happening, but to move from a warm desert town to Washington for an appointment of any kind would be a jolt to the system. That was my meaning.

That is what I thought that you meant but this is the first that I’ve heard of it. Rancho Mirage is cool but right in the fast lane of life.
I can see why the Prez wouldn’t want to go back to Chicago but there are other places that aren’t as hectic as SoCal. I left for just that reason but then again, I didn’t live in the insolated wealthy sector that probably misses the traffic jams and doesn’t interact with the general public.

That is the drawback of Southern Cal, the weather and ocean are the major plus.

Politico is a dolled-up version of FOX with an editor whose father was John Birch like the Kochs. All corporate media are very much to the right without balance even to what was the US media during the time of Reagan. They won. They have the billionaires, the Congress, the Supreme Court and the media. They have the middle of the US. All theirs for the looting and brainwashing. Everything other than media done in the dark including the money they move like the mafia. A criminal organization dedicated to looting the public and all public institutions for their personal off-shore profit.


Except for an occasional link to an article, I rarely ever visited.
How does it compare to The Hill, which I no longer visit?

Exactly - I think they were invented for Expo 67. However the beef stew and the mussels and the meatballs are excellent. Not to mention the beer.