Discussion: Obama Reportedly Smacked Down Criticism Of His Syria Policy As 'Horsesh*t'

Obama once again shows a calm cool head while the war hawks salivate at the prospect of putting weapons in the hands of people we have no way of knowing if we can trust in the end. We did the same thing in Afghanistan in the 80s by arming resistance fighters. How did that turn out for us? This is EXACTLY why I voted for Obama and not for Hillary. And once again, Hillary is making me want to look elsewhere. Come on Elizabeth warren!


Apparently Obama is so powerful that he made these comments to “slam” Hillary an entire month before she actually made her remarks on Syria…I mean, Drudge says so.

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Not this time around; unfortunately Elizabeth will probably never get the chance.

It will take someone like her though to pick up the pieces.

“Go fuck yourself” words uttered by the last Vice President to a reporter who dared ask him a question. I’m sure you were just as agry, right?

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I love when the President talks dirty. I love you BHO.

Yes but yesterday she was dissing his policy in Syria so I added my two cents. See the last paragraph of the article

She said it the other day

I am not a big fan of HC. And every time she opens her mouth these days, I know why

I want democrats to come armed and ready to fight…republicans, not fellow democrats. Hillary has a big mouth, it cost her the last election, it us going to cost her the next one if she can’t get a reign on it.

Shameful is something you folks have the market on. Take your horseshit somewhere else

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Flagged and reported.

Say goodbye again, Beej.

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She’s no pragmatist.

Gotta’ be how EG/Libs chooses his sockpuppet names:



Mostly. Some of them might be Repugs, which makes your grown-up arguement weak.

Yeah, and he said “horseshit” over a month ago .

Thank goodness neither Dumbya or St. Ronnie the Vacant could even spell “horse” or “shit”

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Sometimes I think it’s too bad that Obama is so measured and gentlemanly in public.

A little blunt talk with the public is really in order.

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If only he had learned vocabulary like this in 2009-10, and used it more often. This Nation would be in a lot better place

Hillary is just trolling for the Jewish Wall Street vote with her odious pandering to that demographic.
It is sleaze of the highest degree, but par for the course for the “Third-Way” democrat (with a VERY small “d”.)

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Hillary, McCain and the rest need to watch Liife of Brian. Despite being satire it was astute in pointing out the difficulty of distinguishing between the Judean Peoples’ Front, the Peoples’ Front of Judea, the Judean Popular Peoples’ Front (splitter!!!) and all the rest.

We seem to screw it up every time we try, and by dumping weapons on one side or the other we worsen the longterm impacts.

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