Discussion: Obama Rejects Responsibility For Trump: 'Majority' Of Americans Agree With Me

How is it his fault the voters are stupid?


HOLY FUCKING SHIT thatā€™s a dumb question!!!

Just when I think the media couldnā€™t get any lower, after they enabled and paved the way for a Trump victory, they go ahead and ask some dumbass question like this.

The only even remotely plausible line of this question is that itā€™s Obamaā€™s fault that people who wound up as Trump supporters reacted to him in racist and vile ways?! Are you fucking kidding me?! How is this journalism?!


this is just absolutely ridiculous. I have seen NUMEROUS people now question POTUS more about Trump and responsibility for him, his actions and words, and his campaign MORE THAN TRUMP.



They areā€¦and they are VERY good at it. They just happen to have a very VERY different view of what their job constitutes than what their journalism classes taught them.


Itā€™s not a question. Itā€™s a GOP talking point posed as a question. It started with Matt Lauer for crying out loud.


They are trying to blame Obama for the blame they deserve.


Nah the media is trying to find someone to pin their fuck up on

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I think the votersā€“esp. the ones who had voted for him twiceā€“just gave up on him, for as I wrote in another thread, "Yes, these folks voted for Obama, but when he could not solve the racial divide problems, they finally gave up, as we just saw in this election. This election was not ā€œeconomic,ā€ as our economy and jobs turned the corner big time during Obamaā€™s Administration; on the other hand, what generated the BLM movement, including certain NFL playerā€™s actions that disrespect the flag and anthem, etc. is the real reasons for the backlash: the white working class have had enough of it

ā€¦and right now you have Jeff Immelt on CNBC 'splaining to all of us libruls how we NOW finally have a President that will ease up on banking regulations, ā€˜actuallyā€™ put people to work, ease up on spending money to ā€˜make this country great againā€™. The BALLS of these people makes me want to throw thingsā€¦


Slightly off-topic but Iā€™m getting tired of hearing about those ā€œforgottenā€ rural Americans with disproportional representation who give even less of a fuck about urban areas than the other way around.


Another NBC Monkey. These faux journalists will never look at themselves or the corporate agendas of ABC/Mickey Mouse, CBS/HedgeFund, or NBC-KableTown. They feel superior to FAUX/Murdoch so give themselves a free pass.


Stop buying GE-built things and tell Immelt why.


Obama is doing a brilliant job being a soothing, calming presence
that we all need in this bleak, chaotic travesty.
He is showing great leadership, reassuring us that it will be OK.
He is wise to remain on good terms with Orange Toad.
CNN is blasting him, of course. No doubt it makes the right nervous
to see Orange Toad chummy with democrats.


They were seemingly shunned by our candidate.
More the fault of strategists. But they have a right to vent.

I donā€™t and I haveā€¦Itā€™s a good thing Iā€™m old. My boycott list is HUUUUGGGGGEEEE but then I donā€™t need much of what he has to sell.

Well then do something, Obama. Do something besides the tone deaf shit youā€™ve said so far like quit sulking and get back to work.

Nobody is sulking, Mr. President, we are terrified.

Yes, but in those three most important swing states, and by 107,000 votes, those rural types showed up to vote and now we have Trump; whereas, those in the urban areas stayed home.

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I guess there werenā€™t enough hip hop stars to walk them to the polls.

mirror, mirror, on theā€¦