What a horrible day when the President has to remind us of this.
You know, if Trump thinks McCain is a “loser” for allowing himself to be captured; what then must he think of a soldier who “allows himself to be killed”??
And, sorry President Obama, Trump doesn’t do humble.
“As Commander-in-Chief, I’m pretty tired of some folks trash-talking America’s military and troops.”
Donald Trump:
- Fake businessman.
- Fake billionaire.
- Fake university.
- Fake husband.
- Fake father.
- Fake Christian.
- Fake American.
- Fake candidate.
And now he wants to be a fake President.
Perceptive and eloquent as always, Mr. President.
I’m gonna miss your presence in the White House. Hopefully, Madame President will take up where you left off.
It’s a shame that Obama can’t have Trump arrested as an unregistered agent of both Russia and ISIL.
The President also said Gold Star families, who have lost a loved one in armed combat, “have made a sacrifice that most of us cannot begin to imagine”
Seriously? HOW maNY TIMEs HAVe they been MARRIED? Probably only ONce. OHBummer IS a Pathetic LOSER.
“Some folks”? Stop being fuzzy. It’s not “some folks” who are running for president as the GOP nominee.
On a side note, we’re not hearing a thing about Hillary today, and yet she is getting a yuge bounce just from letting the Drumpfettes lather and foam.
Jesus Christ on a burnt tortilla. This blowback against Trump is overwhelming. I’ve got a headache and I may have dislocated my pinky finger typing. Got to take a break to recharge the snark center of my brain.
POTUS is just acting presidential …
It’s like Lord of the Flies. Just a throwing-off of all the norms we thought were unquestioned. Shameful.
I’ll settle for manafort in shackles
We’ve become opposite-land…
I remember, way back in 2002 and 2003, that if I even mentioned in passing that I thought we shouldn’t invade Iraq I was met with rabid anger from countless people about how I didn’t support the troops, that I shouldn’t be saying anything bad about or questioning a President during a time of war and that I didn’t love the military or my country.
I wonder whatever happened to those people.
Pretty sure not saying the name is meant disdainfully, like he’s too low and insignificant to have his name spoken. And I’ll bet it bugs Trump no end. Just my guess.
Pretty tough talk from a Kenyan Muslim Brotherhood dude. Just sayin’…
She is campaigning in Nebraska, which apparently internal polling is showing as close (I have seen zero public polling to back that up). The MSM was trying to dredge up the email story again due to her interview on Fox yesterday,in an attempt to say “both candidates are bad”, but nobody’s heart was really in it, and them seem to have just tabled that entirely.
The quest for the Presidency is an admirable venture in many ways. That it takes you through Nebraska isn’t one of them.
Again…Mr. President, you’ve probably never seen this parody of the trash-talking Donald Grump, but here it is:
And here’s the summary:
In this clip from 2005, when “The Apprentice” was arguably at its height, “Sesame Street” created a parody of garbage mogul, Donald Trump. The show named their new, garbage hoarding grouch, Donald Grump, and had various “Sesame Street” residents, including Oscar the Grouch and Elmo, vie for a job as his garbage-counting apprentice.
Donald Grump’s trademark – along with “Scram! You’re fired!” – is “I have more trash than you, so na, na, na, na, na! Na, na, na, na, na!” His fellow grouch garbage people love getting made fun of in this way, and then repeatedly join in with the refrain “na, naing” at their own garbage scarcity.
The clip is over 10 minutes long and essentially spends the entire time insinuating Donald Trump is a literal garbage person and his followers are garbage people.
The one exception is Elmo’s role in the clip as someone who doesn’t succumb to Grump’s encouragement of greed. Elmo wins all of Grump’s competitions to find an apprentice, simply because he likes to help. When Grump decides Elmo’s skills will wreck his garbage reputation, he tells Elmo, “Scram! You’re fired!”
Elmo is obviously on a different plain of enlightenment and doesn’t even care.
Grump doesn’t know what to do. He is powerless over someone who is not garbage and doesn’t care about the endlessly greedy pursuit of obtaining more garbage. Scrambling to restore order, he tells Elmo there must be something he still wants.
The camera zooms in on the orange hair and Elmo rips it right off. Grump, dejected, just tells Elmo to keep it – everyone knows he has plenty more orange wigs.
In the end, the other grouches don’t end up wanting to be Grump’s apprentice, because then they’d have to do actual work. They also don’t really want his trash, because it has his name all over it.
“We can get our own trash,” Oscar the Grouch tells Grump.
“Scram, you’re fired,” the grouches yell at the orange wigged garbage man.
The Grump turns away.
The way to strip the garbage man of his power, is to simply recycle.
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