Discussion: Obama Rails Against 'Embarrassing' Senate Dysfunction, Lynch Vote Delay

Discussion for article #235412

Senate Republicans: Serving idiots since 2010.

BTW, don’t those Tea Party morans know that Lemmy Kilmister is a Brit?


The President should have played the song from ‘Frozen’.


Oh that was funny. It is a disgrace. The republicans are disgraceful. The dems never did this to any republican president


Becuz they’ve yet to finish showering the luv on Eric Holder?


No fucks left to give Obama is best Obama.


I think Mitch McConnell is currently back in Kentucky trying to convince his constituents that he can revive the coal industry.

Every time I think about Allison Grimes I want to scream. All she had to say was “Yes I support Obamacare and so do lots of Kentuckians who didn’t have health care coverage until Obama pushed it past Republican opposition.”

But no…


More like they want to reference Holder in their campaigning, and it would not be as effective if he were not still in office.

They won’t be able to use Ms. Lynch in the same way…but I’m sure they’ll manage to come up with something sleazy once a vote actually happens.

It’s the conservative way!


That should have shamed the R party into action except they are incapable of shame.

Too bad.


I think Obama should have been railing at Congress long ago for they dysfunction and obstruction. There is no good reason to play Mr Nice Guy with Mitch and friends.


She did say she supported Obamacare. That was never at issue. She even ran a few ads in support of the law. What was at issue was whether she voted for Obama. I know of no KYian who believes she’d have been helped by admitting she voted for the black man they blame for everything bad that’s ever happened to them or their loved ones, including those born and dead long before Obama was even conceived.


I tend to think they’ve locked themselves into a terrible position where they’re afraid they’ll get in trouble with their base if they confirm Obama’s nominee, yet they want to get rid of Holder. They don’t know what to do, so they’re just going to shut their eyes, hold their breath, and hope it all goes away. I don’t think their strategy goes any further than that.


The president here poses something so close to a scientific question, it might actually qualify as one - say, in geometry: the measure of things in earthly terms.

When does Congress’ process reach “embarrassing”?

Answer: When it proves unable to reach even its already-established partisanship-encrusted level of chronic institutional dysfunction, and not only fails to proceed but fails even to try.

“Embarrassing” to whom?
Certainly to the U.S. Senate majority under the leadership of Senator McConnell’, at least; and there are additional possibilities:

  • Senate majority leader McConnell
  • the Senate Republican caucus
  • the Senate
  • Congressional Republicans
  • Congress
  • the elected parts of the U.S. federal government
  • American electoral government
  • more than one of the above

The president has posed the failure to put to a vote on the floor of the Senate chamber his nomination of Loretta Lynch as proof of the first of those at least. IMO he’s made his case, but is it TESTABLE?

Yes: and we already have the means for testing to how deep into the list this embarassment flows: voting on and aimed at the first Tuesday in November, 2016.

He could have played it from Senator Robert’s phone.

This non-vote seems to me to be a continuation of the Mitch McConnell strategy of obstruction and poking Obama in the eye with a sharp stick every chance he gets for having the temerity to win a second term instead of quitting after one as ol’ Mr Wattles Turtleneck wanted. It sticks in Mitch’s gizzard that this upstart black guy is still President. And Mitch isn’t about to do anything to help solve anything while Obama is around. Mitch hates Holder but he also hates Obama more. I find myself wishing Ol’ Mitch would decide to use that piece of exercise equipment that reared up and bit Harry Reid a while back.


But a fair percentage of elected republicans (and ordinary republicans as well) are science deniers.

Embarrassment requires a bit of soul…

GOTP Souls and lips were sold to they who have the most power/money in order to be elected.

From a public relations point of view, this GOP stunt is baffling. But then so was shutting down the government.

Gyrocopter grandpa kind of summed up Congressional dysfunction…

"Get her confirmed. Put her in place. "

Aaaaaah, but they are, BO, they are…everyone knows that for the Teatrolls this is ALL about “putting her in her place.”

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