Discussion for article #223088
Isn’t that, like, some six month old complaint?
There goes another Bloomberg experiment out of the door.
Quite true. Besides, I’m sick of Presidents and golf. Why not a real sport like curling or bocci?
“Obama: Me Playing More Golf With Boehner Won’t Fix Washington”
Thanks for not falling for that one Sir.
He should take Boehner quail hunting. That might help.
Why not a real man’s sport, like boxing? I know it’s frowned on to beat up an old drunk, but really, that’s the whole point of the sport.
Actually that’s a thought. I’ve seen two guys beat on each other for a while and then end up great friends in the movies lots of times. “The Quiet Man” is one example. I haven’t seen it much in real life, but we’ve got to try something.
You know, Mr. President, when you tell people of the opposing party that it’s time to take the keys of the car away from them, like if they were all unruly teenagers, and then proceed with the Mr. Tough Guy kind of stance, people take note. Now you are paying for your own arrogance, that’s it.
Boxing would be Harry Reid’s forte. (He was an amateur boxer)
Well they are unruly teenagers. And paying for his own arrogance. You just have to be fucking kidding me right? Years and years of reaching out trying to deal with the Republican Party and being slapped away every time. Adopting many of the ideas they loved . . . until he adopted them. Dealing with a Party that before he even was sworn in vowed not to work with him and just say NO to everything.
You really need to take Lincoln’s advice to heart: “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.”
Consider who you’re addressing.
I know a waste of time, but maybe just once he will actually make an attempt to defend one his absurd comments with something resembling honesty and facts
Yes, Obama’s paying for his “arrogance” by continuing to be president and maintaining an approval rating 30 points higher than the opposition. He’s really paying.
Maybe the problem is that Boehner is on the golf course too much and ought to be back in Congress doing something…like passing an immigration bill. Apparently he got called to task on that by a leading Hispanic reporter this week and wasn’t too thrilled about it.
He DID manage to find a few tears for the poor veterans who were “dying before they got treatment,” although he somehow managed to avoid noting that in February, his party blatantly blocked a bill to improve veterans benefits even when the vote was well over a majority (but not the 60 the GOP seems to think must be reached to pass anything.)
I seem to recall a similar dichotomy involving repeated bleating about the tragedy of Benghazi despite GOP insistence on CUTS in funding for embassy security before that tragedy happened.
Boehner…one giant Bogie after another…
Hey, he could have had a Michael Jackson bleaching to show he was at least TRYING.
Another handwringing meme was that if only Obama would invite Republicans to the White House for tea and cookies, things would get done.
The people pushing this shit is typically the Beltway Media; who seem to have been asleep the past 5 years.
You had members of a party that met the night of the 2009 Inauguration and said we will oppose this president at every step.
And they have and will continue to do so because working with the president pisses their base off. They have demonized this president so (from the birther bullshit to calling him Hitler for passing a law that mandates health care insurance) that working WITH him is seen as treasonous and cause to be voted out.
But yeah, playing golf with spineless, cowardly Boehner will help. Sure.
Little pisser is deeply moronic in his attempts to be provocative.
Just yesterday The Bone blamed the president for the lack of progress on an immigration bill because of Obamacare. What? Spend fours with someone who talks like this? And of course The Bone would want to have a loooong stop at the 19th hole. Maybe they could shoot some hoops instead.
I thought that their bitch is that Obama plays too much golf?
The only thing consistent about the teabagging right is, that they are inconsistent.
Besides, considering the full blown, non-stop obstruction led by Boener, they probably couldn’t agree on who’s shot it was and Boener would likely block Obama’s putts.
Obama should just invite every one that he can think of that riles up the righties to a weekly putt and chip party on the Whitehouse lawn. The worst of the worst would have to go play with Boener as an incentive to all involved to clean up their game.