Discussion: Obama Makes A Crack Joke To Praise White House Pastry Chef (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #224547

I’ve got to say, I never thought I’d see the day when our black President would say goodbye to his pastry chef and his husband, Charlie. It just rolls off his tongue so easily, and there are no gasps of surprise, no crowds with pitchforks (at least, not in the immediate vicinity), and it doesn’t distract from the discussion of his pies. It’s kinda nice.


You know we’ll never hear the end of this in the media. I can see the bullshit headlines already in the wingnut villager media…“Black President Wants to Smoke More Crack Pie”.


Cue faux RW outrage (“Obama to Make Crack Mandatory Ingredient in Apple Pie!”) in 3… 2…


“President Mocks Crack Addicts!”

My thoughts exactly , right wingers and tea baggers are going to have a field day.

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You called it, see Lips who got right on the slur train.

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Hey, now. A lot of people slur when they’re drunk.

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sweet moment…especially nice that he casually acknowledged his husband. Things have changed. I’ve no doubt that Fox news will be screaming about Obama and crack, but then again, that’s what crackers do…

how terribly small and sad and hateful you are…I feel very sorry for you


MLK was right about the arc of the moral universe…


Stick with your day job…if you even have one. You ain’t a poet, and you know it.
Must suck to be you.

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Are you really planning on making a gimmick out of writing shitty racist poetry?

Obama is the guy with the flashlight, making its light beam jump around on the wall … and right wingers are the marble-brained cats, cluelessly trying to pounce on the dancing spot of illumination.

You need to work on your sense of humor. That attempt at “humor” is an epic fail.

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Copied from another topic but the shoe still fits…

Coming from a miserable loser like you them’s some pretty haughty words funny girl.

Why don’t you entertain us with the idealist perspective of what should be done as President of these United States? You’re pretty adept at whining and finding fault with anything and everything but you’ve yet to cough up any solutions. You do have a brain don’t you? So why not share some of those tried and true UFG big brain patented solutions sweet pea?

You are capable of cognitive thought aren’t you? Maybe get together with your friend ediemeow and come up with something. I hear she has a lot of free time on her hands being unemployable, banished and all that.

Critics are a dime a gross (that’s 144 sweet pea) Come on… tell us how this complex world that we live in would work according to the UFG Big Brain.

Spoogers will spooge.

Yep, you certainly will won’t you sweetie pie? we’ve yet to see anything resembling a solution from the likes of you. Guess that makes you just another run of the mill generic critic. Which the world has an endless supply of.

Thanks for verifying what we already were pretty certain of.

You’re all hat and no cattle