Trump: He failed. We have too many non-whites in this country.
FOX: He failed in the only metrics that matters to Real Amerikans.
So egotistical! Egomaniacal, even! Sad!
Home run, Mr. President, even if you did mention HO by name…
Mr. President, I will miss you like I’ve never before missed any public figure before you. I’m honored to have had the pleasure of voting for you four times. And damn it, if I had my druthers, I’d vote for you four more times.
“We fought our way back from the worst recession in 80 years. We turned around a declining economy. We helped our auto industry set new records. Our businesses created 15 million new jobs. Slashed our dependence on foreign oil. Doubled our production of clean energy. Made marriage equality a reality in all 50 states.”
Obama continued to list achievements from his two terms in office, including the death of Osama Bin Laden, new diplomatic relations with Cuba, and the nuclear deal with Iran.
“America’s stronger and more prosperous…More Americans are working. More have health insurance. Incomes are rising. Poverty is falling.”
GOP: “But Putin is far more presidential.”
I like how he tapped the lectern three times as he finished, like let’s go!
By any measure a great president, an exceptional human being.
God we were lucky to have him for 8 years. Thanks Obama, with all my heart.
yes Trump is in addition to being pathological liar
I love this man.
I don’t agree with his policy positions all the time, but he’s exhibited class, intelligence, grace, wit, resolve… everything we expect from an American President.
He’s overcome everything an obstructionist opposition party can throw at him, and despite it all, succeeded.
Eight years in office without a single scandal. (Malia photographed with a joint doesn’t count.)
I want to see Barack Hussein Obama memorialized. I’m pretty sure there’s room on Mt. Rushmore. If not, I’m okay with him on foldable currency.
I love him so much.
Love it.
He’s got some pretty solid approval numbers at the moment and he’s likely leaving his second term in the White House with the country in significantly better shape it was in when he entered office. All despite an opposition party that went out of it’s way to sabotage him and the country at every turn and over every little thing.
Now, watch as 40% of the United Sates goes and votes for a substance-less reality T.V. bullshit artist Republican to replace him.
Here’s the “New Report” that came out today:
Thanks Obama!!!
You don’t even get the joke, do you? Sad.
I’m just guessing, but you may need to change your internet sarcasm filter, it may be clogged…
“Thanks, Obama,” he concluded, turning the meme on its head.
It makes me giggle knowing that will make GOPers heads explode
Thanks, Obama… truly. You are a once-in-a-lifetime president.
Trump would be a once-in-a-lifetime president, too.