He can’t write a statement cuz of those cool sunglasses blocking his vision.
Obama: ‘I Take Full Responsibility’ For All Counterterrorism Operations
Yeah, especially shooting Bin Laden in the eye and tossing him into the Navy’s sewer, and taking out a couple of pirates with a couple of bullets off the coast of Africa. Those are my favorites. Good job SEALS!
…between the lines
Hillary had nothing to do with this
I take full responsibility
If a Republican would say this he’d vanish back into the 5th dimension until polls close on an election day.
So is conservative media dragging the names of the dead through the mud for cheap political points yet, like Benghazi? Or do we have to wait for that smug shit Hannity to tell us why this is somehow worse than all the awful shit the Bush admin did?
Yes, with a-holes like that, who knows if those hostages would have ultimately survived anyway. Still tragic of course, but also good to take a-holes like this out.
I’ve been a big Pres. Obama fan from the start, but the drone policy is one of the stains that will continue to tarnish his presidency (e.g. war on whistleblowers, and the surveillance state). I’m not saying we shouldn’t use them, but there seem to be far too many “accidents.”
We are doing less damafe with drone strijes than if we had troops on the ground. War is hell. If it is a stain ihet resulted from The failed policies of GWB. It’s alosing proposition no matter how you look at it but what are the choices.
It takes a real man a d a real leader to stand up and be counted
It is somewhat easy to take full responsibility for something without real consequences. I don’t think the President is at fault for those deaths as much as he isn’t responsible for Osama Bin Laden death. When dealing with dangerous things a screw up is always possible and has very bad consequences. As commander in chief is good that the President has apologized to the victims families, but “I take full responsibility…” sounds a bit insincere.
Who is responsible for Bin Laden’s death if not the President, he ordered the strike. You are delusional
I get where you are coming from, but while he is not fully responsible, he is ultimately responsible, and the way in which he used the phrase – imo – was appropriate.
We’re going to see full-blown Republican hypocrisy here:
Republicans have been saying that Obama didn’t kill Osama bin Laden. That, they say, was the work of Seal Team 6.
But my guess is that they’ll treat this issue as though he personally strangled those two hostages with his black, Kenyan hands.
If it hasn’t happened already, it will come before the day is out.
Of course not, they all think he’s weakening America by apologizing.
It’s gotta be all GWB! He masterfully let Bin Laden stay on the loose all those years so he would never expect we’d still be coming after him! I can’t quite make myself do a full on TGoET post here lol
I’m of the same mind. Every leader from the commander in chief on down has to make these decisions that often lead to deaths of innocent people. No, I’m not trivializing such deaths, just stating it clinically. Life and war are full of trade-offs. To think otherwise is just plain naive. Just glad I don’t have to make such decisions.
Thousands of French and Belgians died from air strikes to help drive the German army from those territories.
Others died to protect the Ultra program that broke into the German Enigma machine to name just two examples.
Fox says, “It was the SEALS, not the president”. You see, they went there on their own according to Fox reasoning which is perfectly logical to their viewers who live happily in Alice’s Wonderland.