Discussion: Obama Honors WWII, 9/11 Generations At Normandy

Discussion for article #223590

2 interesting D-Day factoids: General Patton was conspicuously side-lined in a fake operation with the 1st Army up North at Calais in one of the greatest battle deceptions. The Germans (especially Hitler) couldn’t believe that Patton would not be central to any attack on the French Atlantic coast, so that is the area that they were deceived into mostly defending. Brilliant and audacious ruse by waving a shiny object and it worked because allies managed to keep the flagrant deception somehow secret! Meanwhile weather was so terrible on June 5, 1944 that General Rommel felt safe in going back to Germany for home leave and consultations with Hitler, so the next morning (of all times!) when British, Canadians, and Americans improbably attacked, the Commander was nowhere to be found and chaos ensued.

Know what? I had always thought that attacking in bad weather was a terrible sacrifice but I recently learned of Rommel’s absence and the fairly catastrophic results, so I guess on balance, it wasn’t quite so awful.


If only there had been a real Republican Party then. They would have done something to sabotage the mission, make it fail, so they could gain political points and get Republicans elected to run a government they don’t believe should exist.

Like they do now.


i attempted to watch it on msnbc, and the coverage was appalling and gave up. it was high on the awesome that is the united states… giggles that no one had a clue what the French President Hollande was saying (‘guess i should have listened to my french teacher’…yukyukyuk (barnicle). i mean, for fucks sake, you’d think comcast had someone on staff who could provide translation services.
and then tom brokaw taking one last chance to sell his books…
and then of course, everything comes back to obama and how strained relations are between the u.s. and everybody – all because of him.

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Too bloody true, mate!

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I always think of mother,who just turned 88. She was 18 years old on D-day.
Coming from an large Catholic family of 16 children, she had seven brothers,
who had just enlisted.

None of them where there on d-day, but all of them where soon to be heavily
involve in every aspect the war from The South Pacific, Europe, to North Africa.

She was must have been sacred to death. Miraculously none of them where
wounded, and they all came back with amazing stories to tell. Sadly they
are all gone now.

I am always reminded of the terror she must have went through wondering everyday
for fours years, is this the day one of myr brothers gets killed,

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Here is the radio report from the archives:

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Precisely why I don’t watch TV. I just cannot deal with the “lowest common denominator” focus on the news or reporting. Sad.

Yes, sir. The old break it and complain routine. It is lizard brain instinctual at this point.