Discussion: Obama Defends Iran Deal: It's A 'Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunity'

Discussion for article #235044

When is the press going to give him credit for taking chances.

Chanting bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran is the safe and easy stance for any Washington politician. Bringing peace through negotiations is risky and hard.


White House plans an aggressive campaign to sell the deal to Congress…

It’s a sad day when a US president has to sell the idea of seeking peace with an advisory to CONgress. I would think that would be a primary goal of all our national leaders.


It’s a sad day when the President of the United States has to offer an apologia of a foreign policy triumph to the inventor of the Friedman Unit who recognized that Iraq presented no threat to us but applauded the Iraq invasion anyway as an “audacious roll of the dice.”


The American people are already sold; they are not represented by this unrepresentative, gerrymandered Congress.

The real thing that happens now is that Congress will sell antipathy to a good deal via a compliant news media to change Americans’ minds.


The sale is a simple one: We either work out a deal with Iran or we go to war. Those are the two choices. There’s no third option. Bombing Iran’s nuclear facilities only guarantees war. Anyone saying anything different is simply lying.


The calculus is simple.

The GOP wants its defense contractor boosters to be happy, no matter the cost. And they know the cost will be high. So they want Obama to take the blame while they and their boosters rake in the Benjamins.

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Israel is neither an ally, nor close, unless you consider its unprecedented access to our government. To subvert a treaty that would hinder nuclear proliferation or would promote natural rapprochement with Iran is preposterous.