Discussion for article #231275
Does this seem unusual to anyone else? I’m taking this to be a good sign.
(Full disclosure: I’m Mr. Glass-Is-Half-Full.)
OhbUMMer aPPEases COMMUnist DIctator SO that CASTRo CAN HELP Ohbummer FULFILL LIBtard DREAM of TROPICal AMericaN sOCIALISTICAL UTOPIARY. MEssage TO LIBtards: IF you DON’t LIKE America, LEAVE. NOBODY wants YOU here ANYWAY. AND taKE OHBummer with you!!1!!!1one!!1!!!
The GOTP, Rush Limpbag, Dick Lickerson and Faux News will be critical for various reasons. But these are really just cover for their main problem which is that the president is not white.
but what does marco have to say… and raphael jr…
oh man, just imagine the shitstorm erupting if obama and castro reveal the secret negotiations that have been ongoing for these past couple of years that will result in obama ending the embargo via executive order… (can he even do that)
update: watching msnbc – i’m close… apparently obama requesting kerry to review the terrorist designation tagged to cuba; however, he doesn’t have authority to end the embargo. but other options are apparently being reviewed… this is gonna be hilarious…
Waiting for the GOTPer heads to explode ala ‘Scanners’ style. 5…4…3…2…
Another bogeyman down…
i’m already reading comments: ‘good god, it was a PRISONER SWAP – 3 CUBANS for 1 AMERICAN!!!’ … ‘i can’t imagine where they’re going to end up’ (implication, of course, being they’re heading to join the jihad. ugh.
Obama can open up travel restrictions through executive order. As for the embargo, that would have go to through Congress. I expect US to open up trade begin exporting oil to them. Cuba is completely dependent on Venezuelan oil which is getting absolutely obliterated by the plunging cost of oil. Meanwhile, the US will probably replace the all out embargo with a new trade treaty completely favorable to the US, because they have Cuba is over a barrel in negotiations. Cuba will probably have to pay reparations to businesses that they seized.
there will be heads exploding in Miami.
Instead of Jihadis it is for Ruministas… the horror!
This is huge. And unexpected. Some heads will explode on the right, of course, but that just makes it all the better. Normalization of relations with Cuba would be a good addition to Obama’s legacy.
“Cuba will probably have to pay reparations to businesses that they seized.”
I got a four pack of Heady Topper that says not a chance that Cuba would pay reparations or that the US would even demand them.
Cuba has been getting 100,000 barrels of free Venezualan oil a day that’s going to be drying up. They can either play ball with the US, or go back in time 300 years. This time, the Cuban bureaucrats won’t be shielded from the pain.
the developing gop opposition is that obama is releasing these dangerous prisoners who have committed grievous crimes against the homeland…
In other words, more bed-wetting from the fear factory.
Or as Sniffit so wonderfully put it: “Cowardly Pant Shitting.”
As I said the US isn’t even going to ask for reparations.