Discussion: Obama Admin Says States Lack Authority To Block Refugees

Discussion for article #243221

of course they can’t. not constitutional. that does not stop gop governors from making scurrilous statements that play to their ignorant base. forget doing what is right. pander away.


I’m getting a little tired of states thumbing their noses at the federal government and the federal government doing zip. Wtf good is the federal government if it lets suck holes like Texas ignore the constitution? Obama would probably like to see the clock run out on his administration and pass it on to Hillary to deal with, but I’d like to see some enforcement now.
Get a pair, Barry.


Here you have a bunch of nitwits, in this case, State Governors, who cannot read. Or who do not want to read.
Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4 of the United States Constitution gives to Congress (as a body) not the “several States” the duty of establishing Naturalization. This is also elastic to cover Rules of Immigration.
If these jackass Governors would start being faithful to the Constitution (as many promise to do on taking office, thus breaking their oaths.) rather than their political party, maybe the United States could have a functional Government again. But given the mental and moral corruption of the various people who have put Party ahead of country, I doubt this is a realistic possibility.


Me, too.

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Obama is a “caretaker” now, oddly like so many Prime Ministers in Nations with a Parliamentary form of Government. America and what “Government” she has remaining is waiting the next election in the vain hope that seeing the Presidency pass to someone else will somehow bring Congress back to being a sensible deliberative body. They may as well hope for it to rain lemon drops and lollipops. Obama’s being in the Oval Office has become nothing but an excuse, and was never a “reason” for anything. Anyone who thinks that getting another seat warmer into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is going to change anything without changing Congress at the same time is purely delusional.

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I kinda gave up on this administration when it let Cliven Bundy and his “armed Militia” of yahoos get away with their law-breaking and threats. I’m still waiting for some action on that fiasco.


Better not hold your breath.

Behaving unconstitutionally in an effort to spite Obama has been a recurring theme over the last seven years or so. It’s an incredibly dangerous and cynical game they’re playing. And with partisan hacks like Scaila on the Supreme Court, they’ve made some inroads. Hopefully, Democrats win the next election and get a chance to nominate a person(s) who will restore the Supreme Court to its rightful role as an impartial arbiter of last recourse.

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States that do not comply with the requirement would be breaking the law and could be subject to enforcement action, including suspension or termination of the federally funded program, according to the letter, signed by the director of the federal resettlement office, Robert Carey.

Unfortunately, this sounds like a terrible catch-22 for refugees already here if federal funds are terminated or blocked in those States. Yes, the federal action does threaten enforcement, but it also threatens the support already existing refugees receive if those States’ attorney generals or Governors refuse to comply. Therefore, they need to sue those States outright to demand justice by the DoJ in enforcement of the law.

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That one burns me too. Reminds me of how the Branch Davidians seemed to be aided and abetted by the rightwing loons and gun enthusiasts for far longer than should have been necessary, and to avert what ultimately seemed to have occurred with the massive fuckup that ensued. I may be “misremembering” it wrong, but it just seemed like the political hesitation, reluctancy, or procrastination was the worst part of dealing with the situation there…and the political aftermath was clearly to go after Janet Reno on an impossible decision to breach that compound, which had to be made at some point.

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The absurdity of their position was pointed out by John Oliver on Last Week Tonight about a week ago as he pointed out that once a refugee is accepted in any state that does accept refugees they may then move wherever they want to in the U.S. Although why any would want to move to Texas is beyond me.


A spokesman for the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, which oversees refugee resettlement in the state, said the letter will not change the state’s position of blocking Syrian refugees.

Texas and the other states must really get a kick out of wasting taxpayer money in lost-cause legal efforts.

Well, we’ll see how this goes. The federal gov’t vs. the states showdown is this. Will the Fed actually take action, meaningful action with teeth or will the defiant states stand behind their rhetoric or will it all pass and the game continue on?

I don’t believe either side wants the real confrontation to come to a head. It’s like many issues and both sides benefit much more by arguing over it than they do by resolving anything.

My thoughts, nothing will stop these asshats from doing as they please… after all the LAW according to some is only a suggestion… god speaks to them with the truth… bigots one and all… fear, fear, fear let’s all go out and wet our pants now, yah hear…