My God. One of the snipers was marching in the protest, carrying a rifle. No one could do anything because Texas is “open carry.”
I was in Dallas 3 weeks ago, walking those very streets about this time at night. Every time they show another camera angle, I recognize exactly where they are. Think I’ll pour a scotch.
“Men are still good. We fight, we kill, we betray one another, but we can rebuild. We can do better. We will. We have to.” Bruce Wayne, ‘Batman v Superman’
(By Chris Terrio)
This quote has been on my mind a lot lately.
Very chaotic scene in Dallas still, 3 hours after the shooting of 11 officers at the end of a peaceful protest, 4 officers are dead. At least 2 snipers positioned in opposing parking garages, targeting cops in the street. Situation apparently contained. My first gut reaction is a move to discredit the protests in the worst possible way. Very little is known for certain right now.
This has turned out to be inaccurate. That was a “person of interest” who turned himself in for questioning and was not one of the shooters from what we know and is likely not involved as we also have video of him running for cover like everyone else when the shootings began.
When Obama said “we can do better,” he wasn’t talking about anything resembling the mass murder of police who were performing their duties in a professional manner.
Fuck all of you who promote guns as solutions for civilians, when civilians will very rarely face a problem that is best solved by shooting at someone, or threatening to do so.
Guns do not make societies polite. They do not, on average, make homes safer. They do not prevent tyrannical government. They do not create low-crime zones, nor does the vacuum of their absence suck crime in. Guns do not know or care if they are pointed at a living being and do not know or care if the target is harmful or benign. Guns do not know if the operator is good, evil, impaired, depressed, angry, untrained, or a very young child.
Guns are more a problem than a solution, a problem that needs to be managed by education, training, attitude, culture, engineering, and regulation. For several decades, our country has mostly been loosening the management in those areas. The decline in the percentage of households who have guns suggests to me that there has been success in some areas – possibly education and attitude – in spite of the tremendous success of the NRA and its supporters in all the other areas.
Your God is wrong and is bearing false witness…
Suspect who turned himself in is released by police
Posted at 09:51 A man who turned himself in after Dallas police released an image of him in relation to the shooting has now been released by police.President Obama was once again thoughtful, spoke from the heart, eloquent, and represented our country with class.
I shudder to think about Bush, McCain, Trump, Newt, Pence or any of the other ® scum speaking to the country in this terrible situation. “See I was right, I called it, I got lots of letters this morning for being so smart. These are bad guys, really bad guys.”
This was in my email box this morning. I don’t visit DK but I do get their emails.
This really piussed me off
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In case you missed it, some didn’t waste any time to use the tragedy in Dallas to peddle hate.
Former Tea Party congressman, Joe Walsh has been pretty actively a terrible person for many years now. He’s a deadbeat dad, and a racist, and everything you expect from the extreme right. On Thursday night, with the horrible events in Dallas unfolding, Walsh decided to hit Twitter.
He’s since pulled that down, but what he’s left up isn’t that much different.