Things are bad enough without exaggerating the problems. Detroit has run an African World Festival for some years now which attracts some 150,000 people. The cite goes to a picture of last years.
There is no organized effort to give people Type II diabetes, and yet…
There is no organized effort to enable young children to shoot themselves and others, and yet…
There is no organized effort to give people lung cancer, and yet…
There is no organized effort to overheat our planet and drown our coastlines, and yet…
There is no organized effort to pay women less money for similar work, and yet…
…and yet, the primary beneficiaries of the activities, decisions, policies, and so on that expand the problems above are wealthy white men. Coincidence.
In the interests of fair play, I would like to explain to the “Independents” (e.g., the Distracteds who will eventually decide the upcoming election) what your statements mean in a manner that they understand…
“One percent of FOX News viewers are black”
This means that, allowing for those black FOX viewers who may be actually insane, the rest of them probably are pretty damn close.
“The median age of O’Reilly’s viewers is 72”
This means that for every 62 year-old, there is an 82 year-old
For every 52 year-old, there is a 92 year-old
For every 42 year-old, there is a 102 year-old
For every 32 year-old, there is a 112 year-old
For every 22 year-old, there is a 122 year old
For every 12 year-old, there is a 132 year old
For every 2 year-old, there is a 144-year old
etc, etc. etc
I don’t watch Fox either, Chammy; never have, never will. But, having said that, I find Billious’ comments and the reaction to them here and elsewhere to be a “bit of fun” and often join in the hijinks myself. Hey, it keeps me from roaming the streets [The last time, I ended up in Dos Cabezas and didn’t know how I got there (kidding)].
Snark and inventing bad puns is my response of choice for creatures of O’Reilly’s ilk, and Billious gives me plenty of opportunity to hone my skills.
I hear where you’re coming from. But I have enough conservatives in my life that I’ve learned that whatever O’Reilly bitches and moans about on Tuesday, my conservative friends/family will repeat like parrots on Wednesday. He’s almost a cult leader in some sense. The people who take his show seriously aren’t the types of people to apply critical analysis to much of anything, so reading these TPM articles can sometimes prepare for what sort of bullshit I have to wade through when the in-laws visit and can give me some time to prepare a refutation. At least that’s how I take these kinds of “articles”.
Let’s look at the median age of O’Reilly viewers from another aspect. I know I’m being pedantic, but as measure of central tendency, the Median is that parameter, wherein 50% of the observations lie above it and 50% below it; the midpoint of a frequency distribution; a random observation from that population has a 50% chance of falling above it or below it. In a perfectly normal distribution, the mode, median and mean [average] are identical.
So, what does this tell us? And obviously these are generalizations based on limited data that I cobbled together. TV viewership in general is aging. Older people tend to watch the news more than younger people. Fox News viewership has a tendency to be older still, and O’Reilly’s viewership is apparently slightly skewed to the right [no pun] of the age distribution, with regard to overall Fox News Viewership, and much more skewed with respect to overall TV viewership.
Ralph, I know what I wrote about the average age of FOX viewers would drive a statistician krazy, but I had been wanting to write it for years (hence the 2 year-old to 142 year-old spread). But I am with you on your post.
The part about the average age of news viewers in general is arresting, however, especially in this age without the Military Draft providing at least some sense of urgency regarding political affairs to the Young.
BillO’s ENTIRE schtick is to perpetuate White Christian Victimhood for as long as humanly possible. How else to explain his faux “War on Christmas ™”, and his constant efforts to paint White Males as an oppressed minority? The ONLY reason he works at Fox is because he is a liar. He has been proven to be completely shameless and may actually believe the bullshit that he peddles every single day of the week. However, just like Rushbo, eventually his schtick will get too much for even his willing dupes, and his day will end. That cannot be too soon.
Me too TH1138!!! and maybe that’s why I am so sensitive to having to deal with the likes of these folks here. I just think there has to be a lot more stories to discuss rather than O’Reilly’s lies. I guess those stories are best left to the Hive
Believe me, my friend, I had been saying that business of “for every 62 year-old there is an 82 year-old…for every 42 year-old there is a 102 year-old” every time our familia would meet for Navidad or Thanksgiving (usually stated with my best comic timing and usually bringing down the house).
Today, thanx to NC Steve, there was a chance to combine this family gag with a “story”.
I thought that a zero like O’Reilly was as good a perp to use it on as any.
Rich whites are a minority everywhere in the world, including the USA; rich white males are a subset of that minority. Should someone ask to see Bile’s donation records?
I think O’Reilly is channeling what whites used to call his Black Irish Catholics ancestors and got confused. He really doesn’t fit any demographic group in this country today, especially white American Taliban conservatives or white Democratic Catholics. Sine he doesn’t relate to anyone in this country, he might as well emigrate to the country where his foreign tax shelter is?
By “big money” I think he has pics taken of himself giving literally huge checks like the ones taken at front doors of homes by Publishers Clearinghouse. The difference is PCH follows up the publicity stunt with actual cashable checks.