Among other things, the SS will spend $$$$$$$$$$$ for four different vacation houses. Shrub spent a record number of days on vacation, so it’s nice to see the Republican work ethic is alive and well. Make vacations great Again! On our dime.
How much will this cost the US taxpayers in secret service travel and protection? I fully expect to hear all the assholes on the GOP side of the aisle who complained about Obama vacations and trips to show their true outrage at this wanton expense of taxpayer money, let alone lack of engagement with the job he represented he was committed to perform.
He has got to be fucking kidding. He is gonna mail it in.
Part time President, already?
He’s gonna pull a Palin in 2 years and quit.
Hey, why not just move the White House, Capitol Building, the Supreme Court and all the other bureaucracies back to NYC so his Highness can sleep in his own bed?
It’ll be like 1790 all over again…when only white male voters counted.
Wait till he has to spend all that time in his own bed listening to thousands of protesters down at the street level chanting against him. He will tweet at 3AM how unfair it all is.
Trump can’t believe he’s president. He’ll try to cast this as not wanting to be “too submerged in DC culture.” So he’ll need to get out to be among “the people.” In NYC and Coastal South Florida.
I can’t either, because it means that nearly 60 million Americans are imbeciles. I use this phrase jokingly a lot around here, but this time it applies - “No other conclusions may be drawn from this.”
Trump probably thinks the White House is a dump and that it would be beneath him to live there, particularly given the nature of the previous tenants.
I’m sure we’ll see plenty of comments on the Right about how great it is to have the White House “white” again.
The Absentee President™
OHbUmmeR did Golf and laughed on Fancy GolF resort while MiLLions died in Louisiana flooding? WherE waS trumP? Pictures indicate he handed Out at Least one boTTle of water. PerHaps more.
That’s the 1927 flood, right?
Or why not move his bed to the White House?
Shouldn’t this be the lead story in all media outlets right now? He’s basically saying he doesn’t want the job. Isn’t this what liberals were saying he was going to do?
Well, at least it appears he has given this more thought than he did to Obamacare/ACA. He is going to make Marie Antoinette look enlightened.
Why not just construct a White Tower in DC near Mt. Doom, er Capitol Hill?
Let him keep eating those Trump Tower taco bowls until his heart explodes.
This is encouraging. I thought he would be splitting time between the White House and the Kremlin. Putin has a gaudy guest room, I hear.
Not to mention, how much will this cost New Yorkers who already are seeing part of Fifth Avenue absolutely closed off with concrete barriers because the sh*t for brains doesn’t quite understand that being Preznit isn’t something you do when you’re available. Being POTUS isn’t something you “schedule”. Things can happen both domestically and internationally in the blink of an eye and you absolutely need to be in DC. 24/7.
I cannot believe this is happening. I mean, - I just can’t. At this point in time, I honestly believe he will be the last American President. By 2020, a really new idea has to be conceived to prevent THIS.
Jesus take the f*cking wheel!!!
Maybe he wants to be close to surgeon general Bornstein
POTUS and C-in-C are part time jobs for a man of his immense intellect, broad experience and boundless energy.