Discussion: NYT: Senate Intel Committee To Interview Kushner For Russia Probe

This man needs to be arrested for his blatant obstruction of justice.


My goodness, poor little Jared has a lot on his plate. Between overhauling Govt., negotiating peace in the Middle East, and babysitting Donnie, that darn Senate Committee now wants a piece of him too. Tsk, tsk.


But he was seen at the Eisenhower building (commented above).
He say so strongly that this has nothing to do with Russia that I am certain it DOES. Probably his hedge is that this has to do with Ukraine.


Just now saw your comment upthread. Thanks.

Wonder how much bi-partisan support they’ll get…
My guess…none. But of course Republicans will blame Dems for not offering bi-partisan support when its something they can’t get done on their own because of their own internal divided loyalties.

Golfing even happens on the weekend when he’s not at Mar-a-Lago. And don’t bother trying to contact a government agency on the weekend…they’ve all taken off or aren’t bothering to answer the phones. Definitely not responding to any emails from the sounds of it. Pathetic.


But interesting, that Donald appears to have a true passion for golf ! Nixon was a great football (American) fan !

Well, we’ve sure come a long way since the days of meeting your source in the lower levels of a parking garage in Arlington, VA. Deep Throat is rolling in his grave…and laughing his head off at the absurdity of it all…as we all should be.

Nunes should be subpoena’d by the Senate Oversight Committee since his own committee died in committee, no thanks to his own boneheaded obstruction of justice.


I could give a shit what he has a passion for…least of all golf. The most boring and laziest of all sports imho. I’m now ready for my shellacking by all the golf aficionados out there…I will not respond in kind, however.


Awesome answer, Davey. Off-topic, but serious question, have you ever applied for one of the jobs that Josh Marshall posts on the TPM front page?

Canary trap! That’s the one I was thinking of. Or, rather, the one I’d heard before that I couldn’t bring to the top of my mind.

That’s what happens when you turn middle aged after losing interest in spy thrillers after the end of the Cold War.


Ah, you must be a NASCAR fan ! (I’m not)…

Color me a little leery. Taper’s (it appears he is the one making the initial report on this) source is apparently Nunes himself. And this just smells like Nunes trying to create an alibi to get out from under the charge that he reviewed classified information in a non classified, secured facility. He is specifically saying he went to the White House grounds (key note, not the White House itself, though he isn’t clarifying which building he visited…probably because there isn’t going to be a visitor’s log to verify) in order to review the documents…that he still hasn’t even shared with other republicans on the Committee…he received IN a classified facility.

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Conversely, Manafort/Kushner and whoever else, can send investigators on wild goose chases down every rabbit hole in D.C…kind of like the “Obama wiretapped me” claim. Delay and discredit become the main focal points of such hearings…with zero accountability, since there is no fear of perjury.


Nope. However, I used to like horse racing quite a bit until I learned how much doping is going into that sport too. But you have to admit, its still hard to put a bunch of corporate stickers on those lovely beauts.

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Really ? Sounds like he slipped over the fence to the WH garten, opened his little briefcase and read the secret info in the light from a streetlamp, while the Secret Service guys were busy with their hookers somewhere else…

No, I haven’t, but thank you for the ask. I am not sure that journalism is the best use of my experience (I’ve never worked as a journalist or have any formal training in it beyond HS journalism class :stuck_out_tongue: ) and skill sets at this point…organizing seems to allow me to bring a fuller suite of talents to the table.

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Let’s face facts, the only reason Rump put him in charge of overseeing US/Israel policy is because Jared is Jewish. Its really that superficial and banal. Plus, he’s given mightily to the Settlement movement in the West Bank, and other Israeli interests, so he’s never been a neutral observer or even good faith arbiter from the beginning. How he’s going to help any side come to terms with a peace agreement that many previous administrations couldn’t get, is pure fantasy. Its a stupid pipe dream no one should take seriously.

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Nunes can not investigate Nunes, he has to be gone.
Nothing that comes from a committee that he is a part of can be taken seriously or believed. He is totally discredited.

The Senate Intel committee will be very interesting. They don’t have to nail Kushner per se, they just need bits and pieces to help move the investigation along. They have to play hardball because they are dealing with some truly nefarious scum with this Trounce clan.

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That was apparently his intention. If he keeps the committee open, as chairman he can continue to get his hands on intelligence, which he can continue to turn over to the WH, while denying the rest of his committee similar access. But that won’t last for much longer. The gig is up…or it should be.

He’s already single-handedly cancelled an intel meeting with several key figures that were asked to privately brief the committee. Nunes wants all the info to go directly to him, and to him alone. There’s something really wrong with that picture.

He should be brought up on charges of obstruction by an ethics committee in the House, but I suspect RAyn would put a halt to that too. Its like one big corruption racket they got going. And for what? To protect the most loathsome Peesident we’ve ever had, just so they can give tax cuts to the rich. Once they get that signed into law, I believe they will cut the cord, and feed that Orange Meringue to the wolves. They’ll have reached the limit of all they hoped to achieve by then, figuring their fate rests too much on how long they’re forced to hold out if they have to support him, as the closer they get to 2018, and their votes are counted against them by their constituents…

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“Get moose and squirrel.”

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