Discussion: NYT: NBC Reviewing New Instance In Which Brian Williams May Have Lied

At this point, does it really matter?
I mean, I’m not excusing what he did, but he’s already on leave and we have confirmation that he did some loose and fancy footwork with the truth. He’s off the air (thankfully) and is not taking part in telling the news. What, exactly is the point in keeping this going?Smiley

Wake me when NYT goes after Bill O’Leilly.


NBC is obviously pushing for Williams to resign. Cowards, all…

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This may not apply to Brian Williams, but your statement is fully incorrect. The human memory is highly vulnerable to suggestion. Have you seriously never heard of False Memory Syndrome?

we are still talking about this? really? there has to be a good reason why this guy is the only one held to any journalistic standard…

None of these were lies. He just has been auditioning for new job at Faux while at NBC.


Williams is not a serious journalist; he does not challenge the powerful and the corrupt and he has an embarrassing Walter Mitty Complex.
But as far as I’ve seen, his actions as a sideshow butterfly are far less harmful than the consistent Republican favoritism perpetuated by Andrea Mitchell, Tim Russert and Tom Fucking-Brokaw. That’s the real offense and there has been no comeuppance.

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"… stretch this out long enough for the hoohaw to die down so they could reinstate him… "

I think that’s what it’s about. They spend some time in purgatory and then paroled back to their old job.

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I don’t believe anyone or anything. However, Brian Williams is a demonstrated liar. So, NYT, turds or no, are probably correct. Believe what you will.

Very salient point. It is a truism that people (and I mean ALL of us) can acquire amended or false memories. But who want’s to admit that, out fear of ostracism and ridicule? It’s a dirty little secret of the human mind.

Let’s not and say we did.

NBC has bigger things to investigate than minor discrepancies, like, why is their entire news department falling apart over some nonsense.

BW admitted it and look where it got him…

It’s too bad that the whole Bush Administration wasn’t put on suspension for getting us into a war based on lies.

I guess it’s ok for our politicians to lie much of the time but, not this one fucking guy…

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Why do we expect so much from teleprompter readers? He always was mediocre, an emperor without clothes.

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Judith Miller in my opinion belongs in hell for the lies she was spoonfed from Dick Cheney and Scooter Libby. There are a number of other journalists including everyone at Fox that belong with her.

In contrast, the McClatchy chain of newspapers and several New Yorker magazine
writers were heroes.


BW lied his ass off. THAT’S what got him.

Have they picked up his claim he live-tweeted Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address?

Well, he watches FOX and sees how those liars get away with it!

“Reviewing”? More like ‘searching’. They are looking for a way to get rid of him.

The thing that’s equally disgusting about Brylcreemed Ted Baxter wannabes like Williams is how his imagined exploits and adventures in journalism trivializes those events and the risks for the people who are there for a legitimate reason. Whether it’s someone caught in combat, civil war, or demonstrating against the regime of some dictator, people are taking real risks being there, and in a lot of those cases they had no choice about being there. Lying about something you’re being paid to be at so you can play the big swinging media dick on TV is an insult of profound depth to those people. For that reason alone he should never work in media again.