Discussion: NYT: Mueller Probing Potential United Arab Emirates Influence On WH

That is a lot to contemplate. Thank you for your excellent ability to lay it all out. One question: Do you think this has been a part of the investigation for some time or is this portion just starting? If it is starting I would guess we have a much longer wait for “closure” than we might have hoped.


This seems to be the rulebook for Fox State News Service.

“His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.”
– Joseph Goebbels

T rump follows this logic religiously.


Mueller’s Focus on Adviser to Emirates Suggests Broader Investigation



Agreed. But “figured out” is giving him far too much credit, I prefer to call it a perfect match 40 years in the making…

If it was not Trump it would be someone else, but Trump was first…

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If they had just stuck to cabbage rolls, they wouldn’t be in such deep shit.

Are you saying you pay a bribe?

Seen that in action, been accused of being such as well.

Something they are desperately trying to make us forget. Will not work here.

The golden rule makes sense in the history of civilization and society progressing all these years. Doesn’t even need the glow of the supernatural and organized religion to make sense of it.


Mueller seems to have one of the most rock-solid, battle-tested moral compasses I have ever seen. It’s pretty mind blowing.

And here’s hoping that the country finds it’s own moral compass again.


Absolutely. Our evolutionary imperative is cooperation. That’s why we developed the big brains that allowed us the ability to develop speech and language =- to facilitate that cooperation.

That is who we are.


It looks like all the nasty grievances Trumps WH indulged in have been brought with extra venom to Muellers office. Bannon will try to destroy Kushner and will use every thing he has to do it. That goes for all of them. You know the backstabbing has not stopped just because they are out of the WH, it continues and Mueller is all ears.


With all due respect to Franken (and he deserves tons), Sessions basically jumped into his boat on that one. Sessions gave an absolutely bizarre response to the question he was asked.


Serious question: Does Muller have a bodyguard/protection of any kind? He is rightfully looking into some of the deepest corruption in the U.S., but the extended Dump Crime Family includes some characters who, ahem, are even less principled and more barbaric.


Serious answer - I don’t know - do you think he’d advertise it if he did?


I’m been marveling at the technique of blaming your opposition for years in advance, in inflammatory terms, of the crimes you yourself are about to commit on a scale never before seen.

A colossal mind-fuck.


No, he most definitely is in Trumpland. He was a big donor through multiple holding companies, he was in the VIP section on Inauguration Day, of of course, he is a Devos. His connection with Bannon is through the Devos funding of Brietbart, I believe.
But an article I read some time ago, Prince is kind of on the outs with the UAE, too, and there was speculation that he was trying to get back into their good graces, while growing his influence in Trumpland at the same time.

Prince is an odd bird, on just about every level. His own company has basically publicly disowned him, even though he is still CEO. He is also heavily involved with China, which is probably not a coincidence that its one of the country’s Jared has been courting, and has targeted Jared for influence in return. :wink:


Well, Franken should have nevah asked such a rude question to Jeffy anyway. You know how easy it is to offend the fee-fees of such a delicate little hothouse flower. If he were expected to answer in a truthful manner, he might have to borrow Lindsey Graham’s fainting divan.


Sessions was a man with a carefully prepared lie in his pocket, waiting for the one question he didn’t want to be asked. And the thing about lies like that is they they don’t lie dormant. The concern about that one questions you don’t want to be asked grows and grows, the longer you go with out being asked, the greater the pressure that lie creates as it and the fear of discovery loom larger and larger in your subconscious. Until suddenly, someone asks you an entirely other question that’s in the same ballpark, and all that pent up tension causes you to blurt out the lie even though it isn’t responsive.


“My wife is NOT buried in the backyard, cut up into tiny pieces!”

“Sir, I was asking you if you had seen my lost cat”


In fairness to Jim Comey, he was put in a position where it appeared no matter what decision he made, it had to be an expedient one. Inaction was (in Trump’s case)/would have been (in Clinton’s case) a final decision, and there would not be time for a round two. Not much time to think things over or collect additional data or try to ferret out NYC field office whisperers - American elections are not postponed.

To some extent, Mueller has had the luxury of deciding his schedule. I’m not sure he’d necessarily have succeeded where Comey, in the moment, failed.

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I’d make an exception for the dog I once knew who would unfailingly sniff out and roll in human excrement whenever he got the chance. He’d emerge the bushes trailing used toilet paper out the corner of his mouth, very happy and pleased with his perfumed self.