Discussion: NYT Editorial Board: 'Shut Down The Benghazi Committee'

It’s a federal felony to use taxpayer money for a partisan political witch hunt like this.

It should be shut down because it’s fundamentally illegal, and the money is the prime reason for the illegality.


Or keep it open so we can still filter out the occasional sound bite to make a headline out of.

I wouldn’t assume the NYT has good motives here, either. They were about to be caught and dragged down in a shitstorm, and their ass is culpable as all hell. Trying to put distance between themselves and their buddies a little too late.

A grand jury and special prosecutor are warranted here.


And the news side is always an embarrassment. What else is new?


They NEED to publish this editorial, since they were evidently relying on selective and often false “leaks” from the Benghazi (!) committee to try to erode her popularity and faith in her honesty.

Shame on them for not admitting how far they were led astray–and more importantly, how about letting us know WHY they wanted to try to kill her candidacy off?


But WHY is their reporting so slanted against Democrats, especially Obama and Clinton? Who hires these reporters. Why are they permitted to editorialize so obviously in their “news” reporting? I thought objectivity and not rhetorical flourishes and tacking on “struggling” in regard to Obama or “declining poll numbers” in regard to Hillary was how to be journalistically proper.


The NYT editorial board is usually pretty good (and Paul Krugman is one of the best op-ed columnists today) but its political staff - especially at the DC-based bureau - sucks. Michael Schmidt (who wrote that story they had to walk back and issue multiple editor’s note on) seems determined to be this year’s Judy Miller.


She’s not on the Editorial Board, thank goodness. Were she a member, this might not have gotten through.

The editorial board does not equal the “news” side.

With a spare $4.5 million the administration could give away a lot more free stuff.

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I’ve had this conversation before and I can only say that I’ve read many stories that are sympathetic and empathetic towards both HRC and the president, and I read most of the paper almost every day. There are eager beavers, of course, Judy Miller being one of them, but they don’t need me to defend their output. If people think the reporting is slanted, stick to the editorial page and the left-leaning writers, including Krugman, Blow, Egan and Kristof.