The story seems to paint Stone as a much bigger idiot than Bannon.
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Not surprising. My guess is that Bannon leaked the e-mails. Also, I think Bannon is smarter than Stone.
Roger Stone: Ratfucker
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Carole Cadwalladr of the Guardian has speculated that Brexit vote was practice run for our election attack. Cambridge Analytica is involved in both as is Bannon. More divide and conquer so the moneyed and/or powerful remain such.
I think Bannon et al have larger goals in mind and keep their eyes on the bigger picture, not sure about smarts.
“The situation that I’m in is that I helped this cocksucker Trump, who I hate more than anyone on the planet. I was a Jill Stein person.”
So he helped Donald Trump, then.
After all, there’s a reason why Vladimir Putin was “a Jill Stein person,” too.
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