Discussion: NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio To Announce Presidential Campaign

I have a bad feeling that at some point, the sheer volume of Dem candidates running for POTUS will become a liability to the Party/ As is, more than half of them appear to be bonafide candy dates, with too much sweetener.


No thanks.

Not only that, she dated Ronald Reagan – who was a Democrat at the time.


This is a GREAT campaign strategy. You’re already polling better than Seth Moulton AND Tulsi Gabbard!


The Democratic Party is a mess…no leadership and no platform and no vision!

The #1 priority must be to keep the House and to take the Senate back from McConnell and Trump!

The #2 priority is to defeat Trump or Pence!

All this Democrats running for Federal office for the 1st time should be running for the Senate! What is wrong with Chuck Schumer…no one wants to run for the Senate.

Joe Biden…he should run for McConnell’s seat in Kentucky…not the White House.


(as of 5 days ago)

actually, Gabbard is one of ten candidates who has met both criteria for the first debate.

There are eight more so far who are eligible based on one criteria – seven have qualified based on polling (at least 1% in three polls), and one (Williamson) has qualified based on raising 65000 donors with at least 200 donors in 20 states.

Moulton hasn’t broken either threshold.

personally, I blame Rachel and Laurence for the size of the field. They keep interviewing non-starter candidates, and that exposure alone is probably enough to get them 1% in 3 polls at some point.

“Ugh” is right. What a waste of time, as is the case for about seventeen of the others. This is getting stupid. Okay, it’s been stupid for a while.


That reminds me. Like Cuomo, De Blasio is a whiner. Cuomo whines all the time, which is unbearable; De Blasio whines whenever he is or perceives he is being criticized, which is also unbearable. No, just no!

On the bright side, maybe this will make Brian Lehrer stop his weekly “Ask the Mayor” segments. Whoever came up with that bright idea should be fired.

Is that a yolk?


The number of candidates reminds me of the election to recall Gray Davis, CA governor, and elect a new governor. It included a candidate who was a porn star, who wore a red, white, and blue costume; Father Guido Sarducci; the Terminator; Gary Coleman; and many more.


For WHAT??? :neutral_face:

I don’t see what’s wrong with the Ask the Mayor segments. And deBlasio could be as good a president as anyone. New York City has a higher population than 39 states at 8.6 million, and 3.2 million of them were born outside the US. Somewhat more impressive stats than South Bend, even if Studebaker never had their factory here. On the other hand I don’t imagine Bill is going anywhere and there’s too many hats in the ring already.

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“Ask the Mayor” once a month would be more than enough. I don’t think he would be good as president. And I’ve voted for him every time. I just don’t like him.



No. Please, no.

Wrong-way Bill in the race? Well, he’s bringing the diversity to the race that Dems so strongly long for.

Is there a single person outside of de Blasio himself who thinks this is a good idea?

I’d say the most interesting thing about him is that he’s an Italian from New York married to a black lesbian from Massachusetts. A mixed marriage in every possible way.


Anytime they try to show leadership there’s a revolt from people claiming the leaders are rigging everything, so it’s kind of a no-win on that front.


Jesus Christ. Why?

The oligarchs don’t want to risk losing power. Trump is the open door that McConnell slips through to sabotage this country.

They don’t know how they’ll win without Trump’s train-wreck fascination and ability to channel all flavors of deplorable. Actual support for their policies is already dangerously close to permanent minority. Young folks and honest folks rightly regard the GOP as a coup wrapped in a scam wrapped in fraud.

They’ll clear every obstacle they can to secure 4 more years of unfettered power. That includes discouraging any media coverage of Republican challengers.